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I made the human version of KYL

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Level 32 : Artisan Skinner Skinner
Okay so this is Kyler

This is what he used to look like before he was betrayed and turned into the villain

He used to smile but due to his friends vanishing he lost his smile.

A lot of my friends have asked me what made him evil was it just that one thing, I explained to them his life he has two fathers one older brother, 2 older sisters, and one younger sister
His home life wasn't bad, in fact it was wonderful.

Kyler was always a psychopath he was born that way but he never killed animals or mistreated people, he would however draw very violent pictures and constantly look at Gore.
Every time someone got very badly hurt he would just laugh, when confronted he just said it was interesting.

Kylers life wasn't cupcakes and rainbows though, he was very heavily bullied at school due to the fact he had two dads, and was bisexual himself, one of Kyler's bullies actually killed his cat, but in return the bully was nearly beaten to death.

What truly said Kyler off was making that one soul friend on Roblox, he only had one friend and one friend only.
After a few years of that friend being gone Kyler eventually gets sucked into the game, he had been cursed, he was trapped within the confines of roblox's code he was unable to leave the game and was only able to hop from different games. Every single time Roblox shut down he would feel excruciating pain.
Many players thought he was just an NPC and would torture him which furthered him to become more and more evil to the point where he had enough and started killing players

For the in game lore

The story is very similar however in the games Universe Roblox doesn't exist the world is Roblox

Rather than having people believe he's an NPC people just physically abused him.

Specifically the noobs of the world

KYL was cursed due to committing suicide, instead of respawning like most robloxians do there was a glitch, a very bad glitch called VA12B74 or Vain, the vain virus mutates you into a creature with black skin textured like leather, it gives you Red piercing eyes and Claws that are so sharp they can cut through anything. Robloxians affected with vain become immortal and inhabit superhuman strength and speed, basically becoming a demigod.

There was only one confirmed case, KYL being the sole victim of the virus.

KYL was captured by the FBI before however he easily escaped after they ran their tests, which is why there's so much information about him.

More fun facts about Kyler :

KYL/Kyler very much loves people he still has the ability to love and feel proper emotions he is not just this blood thirsty killer yes he enjoys killing but he still feels emotions

Kyler will do anything to protect his family if you threaten to harm his family in any way shape or form he will find you and rip you to pieces

He's very protective over his siblings however his older siblings are protective over him

Part of the reason Kyler was cursed has something to do with his dad, think of it as a genetic curse. During the respawn the vain virus awakened within him.

Kyler taught both of his parents how to play video games

Before Kyler started murdering people he would torment them, stealing their robux, breaking their things , Committing arson

Kyler absolutely hates being reminded of his human form, he states "I never want to be that weak again"

Kyler thinks humanity is weak and sluggish, while he cleans up the horrible people of the world

Human kyler is mixed raced and species, his dad is a demon and would be African American if he was human.
His second father is Korean.

Kyler was there when Lieutenant fish shot himself.

The Canon ending for the game ends up with the player admitting to Kyler that he has been struggling with depression and would rather just have Kyler straight up kill him rather than torment him as he just wants it all to, the player explains to Kyler that he is very lonely and hates that nobody wants to be his friend.

Kyler pulls the player into a hug and apologizes for tormenting him so much and says that he will become the player's friend as long as he doesn't use him.

After this the screen pops up showing that it's been 2 years as a player you wake up from a nap and head outside it's now summertime there is a basket on the porch with Bunches of flowers the players favorite candy and a card, " you've been a great friend and I'm very thankful for that, love kyler"

The player heads to the local store one last time the cashier mentions how the mass murders have pretty much stopped, the camera flips to 2nd person and it shows the player finally smiling.
