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Is PlanetMinecraft going downhill?

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Alpha_Legion's Avatar Alpha_Legion
Level 56 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
So where do I start? Well, firstly this is my first real blog, so I thank you for taking your time to take a look at this. :)

Please diamond this if you agree! It will help more people see it, thank you!

Now, onto the main subject; what I want to discuss today, is whether or not PMC is going downhill. I must say, dono t get angry or offensive in any comments you leave, if you have extreme views again my opinion, ok. This is my blog, and if you hate me for it, so beit, but you can easily leave and forget.

So, to start with, I want to talk about skins. Skins are obviously a main and crucial part of PMC, without them, weo d be lost. And yes, there are some amazing skinners out there, such as sneeze7, halucid and Leostereo, however, lately I have seen some pathetic attempts at skino s get onto the popular reel (naming no names), some of which have no shading or interesting design to them at all, and come on, what is up with these Enderbrines?!

Is this really what we want polluting our popular reel, getting diamonds and downloads for unoriginal concepts, and lack of effort? Dono t tell me THATo s fair. Occasionally I do see skins that dono t have shading, that I first think o why the hell is that there?!o , but they have a good concept, and is intentionally part of the design. So dono t get me wrong, some are ok, ito s just the ones that become popular, that as THIS of this skinning community... Just how is it so successful?

Now, secondly, what is with people, and their obsession of o ass kissing moderatorso ?... All I ever see in the PMC chat is people screaming at the moderators, begging them to check out their skins or projects etc. They dono t have the time people! Not if you beg. Recently however, I got into a conversation with sneeze7 on skinning and he was more than happy to help me, by taking a look at one of my skins, and giving me some tips, do you know why? Because I wasno t begging or spamming links. THAT is when they will listen, when you talk to them sensibly and dono t just post links saying o Please look at this!o ... No one will (or at least very few will). Try getting into a conversation and slip your work in somewhere, then people are more likely to look at it, because they are talking to you!

So seriously people, lay off the ass kissing ok.

Finally, trolls. Yes, trolls. I hate to say it, but it seems the amount of little kiddies is steadily increasing on PMC, and an increasing number of them, are just trolls. Honestly, the amount of commento s Io ve seen which are just level 1 trolls, going round, and degrading everyone elseo s work is unbelievable, when they dono t have a single submission to their name. Ito s just like o try doing better yourselfo , but they never listen. Theyo re just on to the next submission they see, trolling the hell out of it.

Also, I was reading someone elseo s blog recently, which was rather interesting, and was also on a debatable subject, so as you can imagine, there will always be a difference of opinions, although one o trollo decided to take it a step too far... Instead of writing his opinion, he merely wrote o Dickheado ... Thato s it. Nothing else. And he continued to spam this comment, until there was about 5 or 6 of the same comments littering this one persono s blog. Now, this seto s off alarm bells to me, saying o so what are we going to do about it?o . But the sad truth is...

What ARE we going to do about it?

No one knows, and no one does anything. This is sadly the problem these days, and always has been, with little kids spamming the internet with their trolling, thinking because they are online, they are somehow o one of the cool kidso and all grown up. Well sorry to break it to you kiddies, youo re wrong. If anything, the internet is worse for you than irl. So dono t try to act big and clever, dono t troll and definitely dono t start doing anything like this, and you will be ok.

So back to my main topic, is PMC going downhill?

Honestly, no. Ito s not. However, the community could do with a bit of a kick up the backside. Do we want these trolls ruling over us? Do we want to let their snide comments slide? Do we want all these spam skins, littering PMC? Do we want the o no effort, no timeo submissions making it to the top? And for the moderators, do you really want to be badgered by these newbies forever?

If your answer to even one of those questiono s was yes, then I suggest you turn off your PC, have a long shower, then look in the mirror, and ask yourself o what have I become?o - Just like in the movies :3 - then, come back and answer no, to all of those, ok.

So leto s stand together, and rid PMC of these trolls, and their pathetic comments, and awful spam submissions. I cano t do this alone, we have to take our stand, and fight! To take! PlanetMinecraft! Back!

We must, hold the line.

- Alpha_Legion

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Alpha_Legion 06/28/2012 4:11:16 pmJun 28th, 2012

New font! :D

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08/16/2016 9:54 pm
Level 42 : Master Pixel Painter
JozyP's Avatar
Interesting to see how this compares to now.
12/22/2012 6:43 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Princess
steffanieee's Avatar
Hmm Alpha you dont really do many blogs anymore, any particular reason for this absence?
12/22/2012 7:08 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
Alpha_Legion's Avatar
Guess I've been busy with other stuff the past few months :P
12/22/2012 7:31 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Princess
steffanieee's Avatar
oh? such as?
12/22/2012 7:47 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
Alpha_Legion's Avatar
I guess i've just been a bit destracted by my amazing girlfriend :P
08/04/2015 12:45 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Network
Oofyeet's Avatar
''I guess I've just been a bit distraced by my amazing girlfriend. What the....
12/22/2012 7:48 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Princess
steffanieee's Avatar
oh really? where is she i musnt of got the memo u was seeing someone
12/22/2012 7:50 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
Alpha_Legion's Avatar
should i be concerned that you are unaware of this?... :P
09/03/2012 10:15 pm
Level 26 : Expert Geek
alexbeast12's Avatar
I'd love for a staff member to comment on this blog and see what they say. EDIT: It looks likea moderator did comment on this!
08/20/2012 9:27 pm
Level 49 : Master Creeper
XSS xG4RRUSx's Avatar
I agree with the parts on trolling. Sometimes its worse here than it is on Xbox LIVE.
08/21/2012 9:07 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
Alpha_Legion's Avatar
Now THAT's saying something...
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