Published Jan 19th, 1/19/25 4:41 am
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Kamilla was born in the jungle. Her family was a tribe hidden deep within the trees, jumping down from branches onto curious wanderers and bandits stepping into their land. They turned the human bodies into festive meals, singing and dancing around a campfire at night and celebrating the food they could share.
One night, as they were dancing and celebrating, there was a noise- a stick getting crushed beneath something heavy. Seconds later, a group of warmongers attacked, leaving no one behind.
Kamilla was just returning from getting some fresh water at the river, as she saw the bloodshed that was happening. She was just 4 years old at that time. The young kid watched in horror as her family got torn apart by people in heavy armor- why would they just murder without reason?
But Kamilla was a smart kid. She quickly hid away in a bush, clutching onto the leather bag full of fresh water in her arms. When the warmongers finally left, she crawled out of her spot and towards her family. Tears were running down her cheeks as she tried to wake them- to no use. So, instead, she laid down next to her best friend, and after hours of crying, she passed out.
That is where she was found by a religious man. A small group of monks were wandering through the jungle, and found the massacre. Within the amount of dead bodies, there was a small child, breathing steadily while clinging onto another dead body- so they took her with them.
Kamilla was well taken care of by their leader, who they called Vlaming. The young girl was hard to manage, as the tribal life she knew was much different from the religious life the monks liked to follow- she never really understood God, or what meaning he had to the monks. But she accepted it.
A few years passed by, the wild girl getting used to the rules, even though she loved to break them way too much- but one day, Vlaming came home with a young boy, and told her this was her brother.
Kamilla quickly learned to love her little brother, telling him all about her past family and their goddess when no one was around. Because the monks hated her talking about Tahlee- punishing her whenever she dared to speak about the goddess that her family brought close to her.
Start of Firdriel
But eventually, when the jungle child turned 14, she left behind the home she got to know and started her own adventure. She had gotten into a harsh fight with Vlaming over who was the right god- and then, she just left.
The jungle was calling for her. Years she spent in the wilderness, learning survival skills and being close to death more times than she could count. But she found a place she wanted to call home- and on her way there, she met a pregnant woman in need of help. So she quickly started to construct a place for them to live in, and soon after it was done, the woman gave birth to a little girl. Her name was Jadelyn.
Now, even though Kamilla was a woman, she was never quite fond of babies. So she kept working on her town, Firdriel, while the child grew, not paying much mind to it- until, one day, the kid came up to her with treasures she had found. And so, slowly, the young, blonde girl called Jadelyn worked her way into Kamilla's heart, gaining her respect and becoming her right hand.
Soon after, Kamilla's little brother showed up. They talked for a long while before the woman invited him to stay, and Ray became a resident of Firdriel.
Together they built a wonderful small town on the edge of the jungle, with nice houses and big farms so they would never be hungry. Their community always stayed small, with people coming and going. It was peaceful, until one day, the call for war reached them.
First war
Rokujou was an ally to Firdriel, trade establishing a friendly relationship with the promise to fight for each other if needed. And the call for war came, when another town tried to claim the Sakura island Rokujou called their home. It was a long fight, that was sadly lost as people lost their lives. When Kamilla realized there was no chance to win, she quickly ran back to her home. That day, she lost an ally, and a friend.
Jadelyn’s leave
A few months after that fight, Queen Kamilla asked Jadelyn to go on a mission. She was curious about the lands called Altaria, and wanted her trusted right hand to explore. And so, Jadelyn left Firdriel, giving her role to Ray, the brother of the Queen, since he had proven his worth.
When Ray disappeared from time to time to do his duties, Kamilla grew lonely. She wanted someone to spend her company, someone to love- and when she met a strong warrior, she thought he was the one.
Many days and nights they spent together, with him leaving a few times to go and shed more blood, giving the woman time to think. And she thought, a lot. Maybe too much for her happy little bubble of love- because the bubble burst as she realized that the warrior was not the one she wanted.
When the man came back home, she told him the truth, and all that she's been thinking about. Heartbroken, the warrior left Firdriel and ventured off to find a better place, and possibly forget about the woman of the jungle.
Joining Westmark
One day, Jadelyn stood in front of the gates of the town, and Kamilla hurried to let her inside- greeting her warmly, and welcoming her home. Jadelyn told all about the new lands, and the man she found- the ruler of a kingdom, the kingdom of Westmark. The queen didn't hesitate when she agreed to her friend marrying King Henry, seeing how happy the man seemed to make Jadelyn. Meanwhile she ignored her own wants- the wish to have Jadelyn back by her side was big, but the wish for her to be happy was much greater.
When Jadelyn took Kamilla to meet her soon-to-be-husband, they talked a lot- King Henry invited Firdriel to join his kingdom, and be granted the protection of stronger towns and fighters.
Old habits die hard
Many years passed, with only a few war threats being spoken out towards the kingdom of Westmark, but never becoming actual threats.
Kamilla kept living in her town, being alone most of the time, but trading a lot and finding joy in harvesting her fields. Yet, her past never left her- she still caught some humans, feasting on their flesh and keeping their bones to build a shrine for her goddess Tahlee.
So, of course it was the town of Vlaenderen that investigated the matter and accused her of cannibalism- the town that Vlaming created, the one that had raised her.
The Queen of Firdriel felt deeply betrayed by King Henry, that had allowed this investigation to happen, after she gave him many resources without ever asking anything in return, and entrusting her dear friend Jadelyn into his arms.
The end?
After raising her sword against King Henry, trying to capture the Mortlin ruins, she managed to run away deeply wounded and quickly patched herself up. A few hours later, the monks and King Henry showed up at her gates. Kamilla accepted her fate when she willingly followed them to the capital of Westmark, where she was put into a cell, locked away with rats and little amount of food.
Many days were spent by people of the church coming to ask questions, to get her to repent- which she never did. Each investigation ended in her being whipped harshly by the guards because she didn’t respond or tried to attack someone. Kamilla seemed to have lost her mind fully, scratching and punching at the walls, speaking to the rats, pulling her own hair out. Her body was covered in scars and wounds, her eyes dull and lifeless. The only thing that could make her light up were friends paying her a visit.
When Henry and two of his guards beat her almost to death one day, she started to mumble to herself. About how he could do such, why he’d join in, why he’d do so cruel things to a former friend. Shortly after, Chieftain Barrett paid her a visit. She barely looked at him.
He spoke softly to her, almost lovingly in a way- before stabbing his sword through her chest. With tears in her eyes, she gasped a quiet “Why?” before her dead body hit the ground.
Kamilla’s story brought lots of troubles to the world, and especially the Kingdom of Dunmare. Some paintings of her could be found in old chests..
(This can also be found on the Medieval Kingdoms Wiki! Countess Kamilla)
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