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LEGO Contest - Unbroken

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Level 16 : Journeyman Artist
He suddenly stopped, thinking of what was the problem, whether is was his pickaxe or the rough golden block that lay there solidly. An arrow to his right hit the golden block, Shot by a skeleton hiding under a nearby tree. Steve panicked, leaning backwards on the spider squeezing it beneath him, thus tossing the zombie on to the ground.

That is when he found the zombie holding him while the spider trying to wrap him, resisting was pointless. He tried kicking the zombie, shaking to break himself free. But nothing interesting happened.
The skeleton joined in the party and, feastly watching Steve while he was being defeated and ready for their meal.
At this moment, he appeared. An unpleasant, hissing voice crawling from behind their backs joining in the party.
.. Boom.

His vision was blurry, suffering, Steve could barely endure his pain.
He looked around him, as his surroundings cleared out. There was nobody, they have all been killed by the creeper's death blow.

Yet he noticed a very peculiar thing. The golden blocks floating, remained unbroken.

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09/23/2015 8:33 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Network
(there are no trees underground)
09/24/2015 5:07 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Artist
Did you ever wonder what was that thing in the corner of the screen, and the water lake to his right? And the sound of a skeleton a tick before the video ends?
09/24/2015 12:40 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Fox
Yea xD
09/24/2015 8:37 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Network
Yes, but he is near lava, which mainly appears underground. Not to be mean, just trying to help out ;)
