Minecraft Blogs / Art

LEGO Megatron MOC

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Level 62 : High Grandmaster Skinner
So guys, it's been a long time since last time I did a LEGO blog presenting the Lego structures I create, since the last LEGO post I created a few LEGO structures and I intend to share them with you. To be precise, I have more 4 Lego structures to share with you guys, one of which I will release after Christmas, since it is somehow related to that date, well, kinda.And by the way, I'm thinking about trying somehow to create some instructions using Lego design for my LEGO structures, if this LEGO megatron gets I don't know, 10 diamonds I'll start working on the instructions. Anyway, let's talk about the part that brought you here, Megatron...

[​Megatron MOC]
Well then, I decided to make this Megatron because I have a G1 Optimus Prime and I have not a Megatron. When I started making this megatron the idea was, inspired by his Transformers One and G1 versions create an transformable Lego Megatron that that was roughly the same scale as Optimus. Unfortunately, when I finished up my Megatron it was 7 cm higher than what I was expecting but all the other goals were achieved.
Talking about size, it is 26 cm tall, 14 cm wide and 10 cm deep in his robot mode. And in his tank mode he has 11 cm tall, 16 cm wide and 20 cm deep.
The robot mode is completely articulated. His hands have 4 fingers (one being the thumb) and the hands can open.
The tank mode don't roll out very well but the tracks move and the cannon can spin and go up and down.

About the transformation although it looks pretty complex or impossible without disassemble and reassemble everything but it's more simpler than looks.
The canon is made of two parts, one is his arm fusion cannon and the other is in his back. Once the chest piece is open and the head is placed inside it, it's possible to move the cannon part in back to the correct place and then disassemble the fusion cannon from the arm and place in the end of the other part.
The arms are a little bit different, first of all I spin the plates in the shoulders to review the mechanisms which will be used to place the arms in the right position. Then the forearms are removed and positioned below the chest to support the tank. The hands are removed and placed in the sides of the chest becoming the exhaust.
And the legs: rotate the hips in 180 degrees, fit the chest piece into the back of the hip and then position his legs as if he were doing a split and bend his knees sideways.
The final steps are extending the tracks through a somewhat complicated mechanism and turn the feet and raise them

Here you can find the link for some pictures of this megatron you'll be able to see it with more details:

if you liked this LEGO blog post before moving for the next blog post, give a diamond, a like and if you want to comment something, the comments section is always Open. And remember, if you want to see more of this LEGO posts, subscribe to my account and leave a like. Anyway Have a nice day...


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12/13/2024 12:13 pm
He/Him • Level 57 : Grandmaster Loremaster
Holy Primus, this is amazing! I gotta send it to my friend lol (he dabbles in LEGO TF MOCs as well)
12/13/2024 4:18 pm
He/Him • Level 62 : High Grandmaster Skinner
Really I'm sure his are amazing, this one is the first time I try to make an Transformer in Lego, I'm really proud of how it got and talking about it I forgot to add the additional pictures, which I'm doing right now...
