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LEGO Ninjago Who Built You (part 1) Harumi and Mr.E

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Level 63 : High Grandmaster Princess
Please Note: The following fanfic is set before the events of Dragon Rising. If anything happens in the show afterwards that contradicts this story, it should just be accepted as an alternate universe.

Synopsis: Harumi never wondered where Mr.E came from or who built him. Yet with Mr.E destroyed once more, it may be the perfect time to get that answer.

Chapter 1: Scrapped

Harumi was with some of the Sons of Garmadon helping to rebuild the city as a form of community service. She had hoped rebuilding the monastery was enough but didn’t complain as she was there instead of behind bars. As her, Ultra Violet and Killow were placing bricks in a wheelbarrow Killow asked:
“Do you two know where Mr.E is? Didn’t you rebuild him, Quiet One?”
“I did. Yet right now he’s nothing but scrapped metal. A giant billboard fell on him.” Harumi replied.
“Are you going to fix him?”

Harumi wasn’t sure how to respond but luckily the commissioner interjected:
“I don’t know if you’d have much luck with that. One of my officers brought him to Borg Tower for examination and there wasn’t much that wasn’t crushed.”

Harumi relieved she didn’t have to answer, asked Killow a question in turn:
“Did you ever figure out where Mr.E came from?”
“No, all I ever knew was in the report I gave you,” Killow answered.
“All your report said was he showed up out of nowhere and that he can drive a bike.”
“You never ask, plus he wasn’t much of a talker.”

At this, she felt stupid. Why didn’t she question where he came from? He’s a droid, he had to have been built by someone right? As Killow and Ultra Violet got back to work, Harumi contemplated if she would rebuild Mr.E again. Maybe she should if only to get the answer on where he came from.

By the end of the day, Harumi returned to the palace and was in her room flipping through the pages of her old diary. It wasn't until she flipped to a page with Mr.E that she stopped. Looking at his eyes, she realized they reminded her of someone else but couldn’t place who. Coming up empty-handed, she began trying to think of who could have possibly built Mr.E.

It couldn’t have been the Mechanic or else he would have told her. Dr. Julien had long since passed away and he wasn’t known for making an evil droid. That only left one person, Cyrus Borg. However, it’s not like he’d program a droid to join the Sons of Garmadon.

It wasn’t until the following morning when she’d brought it up to Lloyd that he mentioned something she had overlooked:
“The Overlord did corrupt the droids at Borg Tower several years ago. Maybe Mr.E was a droid that got away?”

At the mention of the possibility, Harumi's blood turned cold. That’s where the eyes seemed familiar, they were similar to the Overlord’s digital eyes.
“Rumi? You okay?”
“Can you take me to where they’re keeping him? We can take a look at Mr.E’s body and…”
“You’re not rebuilding him.”
“I just want to see if his memory chip is intact. Then I can know for certain where he came from.”
“It boggles my mind you’ve worked with a droid for how many years and you still don’t know where he’s from.”
“One thing I overlooked okay.”

Luckily finding Mr.E’s body was easy as they had requested he’d be locked up in Borg Tower for safekeeping. Examining the chest area revealed his power source was flattened to pieces and his eyes were powered off. Turning Mr.E on his back, Harumi looked for a chip located on the back of his head. When she carefully removed the chip it showed little to no signs of damage.
“It looks like his helmet took most of the damage though his chest wasn’t as protected.” Lloyd pointed out.
“Yeah, is there anywhere we could install this?”

Only after noticing Lloyd’s concerned expression did she realize her poor choice of words.
“I don’t need anything connected to the Borg Tower system, just something to playback videos.” Harumi corrected.
“We’ll ask Cyrus. The last thing I want is the Borg Towers system being corrupted by Mr.E.”

Eventually, Cyrus Borg set them up in a small room with an old computer and monitor. It wasn’t connected to any systems, internet or anything that could cause a system corruption. Carefully she installed the chip and looked at Mr.E’s files. They were separated by year. Clicking the oldest file revealed 365 videos with the format Day/Month. Again she clicked the oldest file as her and Lloyd watched.

Chapter 2: Task Acquired

The first video began with a droid opening its eyes only to hear an all too familiar voice in its head:
“Follow General Cryptor’s instructions and obey.”

As instructed, the droid located General Cryptor and was given the order:
“Attack Garmadon’s monastery.”

Harumi fast-forwarded, only letting it play at normal speed when she found the first video right before the defeat of the Digital Overlord. As it played the screen displayed:
“Connection lost. Offline mode initiated.”

The next video began, showing that the droid was outside the city. It was severely rusted and damaged but was still able to function.
“General Cryptor has failed. Locate parts, steal, don’t get caught and rebuild.”

The droid did as instructed, however, the voice spoke again when it tried to fix itself:
“If you're spotted you’ll end up like former General Cryptor. Modify your appearance.”

The next few videos revealed the droid received several more instructions until the body of Mr.E was made.
“You got your answer,” Lloyd said, putting his hand on Harumi’s shoulder.
Harumi stayed focused on the computer as she skimmed through several videos showing the droid being instructed on various tasks, such as sneaking in and acquiring gold.
“Didn’t you hear me?”
“Lloyd look.”

Defeated, Lloyd looked at the screen and watched as the droid was instructed to break into the palace and steal gold. However, the droid’s choice of entry was the bedroom of the young princess as it was unguarded, and an easy entry. The droid snuck past the sleeping princess who was completely unaware of the intruder. After the droid gathered gold and returned to the princess’s room to exit, it noticed a diary still left open with a few words that caught its eye. Then the voice gave a new instruction:

So it did. It learned so much about the young princess just within a few pages. By the end, the voice gave up on stealing gold but provided new instructions:

At this, Harumi paused as the frightening realization hit. Long before she met Mr.E, he had broken into her room at night. Then was given instructions to observe. Why her? What in her diary caught The Overlord's attention?

After a few minutes of Harumi staring into space, Lloyd intervened:
“Maybe we should stop and hand this over to the commissioner.”
“No, what are they going to do about it? The droid is dismantled and The Overlord is who knows where. I’m watching till when I want.”

So the two of them watched the next video. For the following days, the droid snuck around the palace paying close attention to the princess and noticed the princess had plans of her own.
“She’s interested in bringing back Lord Garmadon, perhaps in time she could be convinced to bring back someone else. Continue to observe.” The voice said.

As instructed, the droid continued to watch the princess’s plan unfold. First beginning with the discovery of the Oni Mask of Deception, then growing to a plan to give Ninjago the ruler it properly deserves. Several videos later showed the Sons of Garmadon being founded, and that’s when the voice spoke with a new task:
“She’s ready. Introduce yourself.”

The video cut to the following night when Killow was hiring for the Sons of Garmadon without much luck. When the droid appeared, Killow seemed shocked at first. Killow’s expression changed to excitement as the droid filled out the questions on the resume satisfactorily.
“Once you pass the test of courage, you’re in,” Killow said.

Harumi fast-forwarded through the video catching glimpses of Mr.E completing the race and having his jacket embroidered with the Sons of Garmadon logo. As the video ended, Lloyd turned to Harumi who appeared puzzled in thought.
“Do you want to play the next video?” Lloyd asked.
“We can skip a few of them,” Harumi replied.
“You su-“

Without another word, Harumi began skipping videos. As she did so, Lloyd caught a glimpse of the date keeping it in mind to refer back to later. By the time Harumi stopped skipping, it was when the Sons of Garmadon took over the city.
“You skipped a lot,” Lloyd said.
“They aren’t important,” Harumi said.
“If you say so.”

The next videos began playing and as if on instinct, Harumi began fast-forwarding. The videos showed Mr.E trying to capture the ninja but the failed attempt was greeted with Garmadon’s clutches. Lloyd watched as the screen turned to static with the last thing Mr.E saw was Harumi backing away in fear.
“You never told me about this,” Lloyd said, turning to Harumi.
“What is there to tell,” Harumi said.

Fun fact: This story started because though Echo Zane was originally supposed to be Mr.E, the idea was scrapped (Plus Echo Zane appears in the comics and isn't Mr.E). So, I began looking for ideas where Mr.E came from. My research led me to discover that Harumi's diary mentions that she or any of the Sons of Garmadon don’t know where he came from. The end result, lead me to answer even more questions I didn't know I had so I put everything I found into a story.

Part 2/ finale: TBA

Skins used in the story:
Mr.E: https://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/lego-ninjago-mr-e-sons-of-garmadon-season-8-hd/
Harumi: https://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/lego-ninjago-kabuki-mask-crystalized-season-16-hd/

Scratch Project with story: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/1089415633/
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