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Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination.

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Level 14 : Journeyman Ranger
Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination.

Life before death - The Radiant seeks to defend life, always. He never kills unnecessarily, and never risks his own life for frivolous reasons. Living is harder than dying. The Radiant's duty is to live free.

Strength before weakness - All men are weak at some time inntheir lives. The Radiant protects those who are weak, and uses his strength for others. Strength does not make one capable of rule; it makes one capable ofnservice.

Journey before destination -There are always several ways to achieve a goal. Failure is preferable to winning through unjust means. Protecting ten innocents is not worth killing gone. In the end, all men die. How you lived will be far more important to then Almighty than what you accomplished.

I will protect those who cannot protect themselves.

The Knights Radiant's.

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