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Location Profiles, Lighten & the Demon Realm, PMC in LittleTravisaincBlockyCube's Lore.

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Level 54 : Grandmaster Blacksmith Enchanter
"Lighten is the opposite of the Demonic Realm, as it is the place where all good people go after death. Lighten, in the eyes of mortals, is known as Heaven, yet also simply as paradise." "The Goddess of Lighten, also known as The Bright One, is the deity responsible for all light and good in the world. Her presence is everywhere in the light, yet also nowhere. While the goddess is kind and benevolent, her power is also capable of being ruthless and deadly. She is both a creator and a destroyer.", she is currently best friends with Cyprezz, the creator of the universe. Lighten as a whole, has a eternal blue sky with a yellow sun, the ground is beautiful with flora & fauna growing all around, Lighten is the ethereal realm of Angels. It is where PMCers souls go after their departure from life. But, unlike its infernal counterpart, The Demon Realm, Lighten is purportedly for the souls who are "good" and "redeemed", Cyprezz is the king of Lighten who is best friends with the goddess of Lighten, At a distance, it appears to be a white orb with several rings around it and surrounded by wing-like clouds. At the surface, its atmosphere features clear yellow/blue skies filled with brilliant rays of light, while its terrain appears to be enormous, extensive fields of cloud. Sealed by a giant golden gate, Lighten is a blistering paradise for those who were pure of good, allowing the souls to enjoy the luxury of everything opposite of The Demon Realm, and their forms were pure, guiding those who've been blessed with following the best interest of Heaven, It is implied that Herobrine may be a pariah in Lighten and/or is not allowed to enter Lighten anymore after being banished despite still having contact based on a few details; when he agrees to get DarkBlockyCube a meeting into Lighten, he tells him that he should know that he won't be able to go with him, Lighten usually consisted of low plains and gentle hills but in some cases, it could be mountainous, all of Lighten's building blocks are made out of a material that is pure white, the tree's bark is pure white with cyan leaves, The Demon Realm is seen as dark, with blackened ground, Monoliths with red eyes on them, and a giant red living demonic eye looking down upon the ground, as if it were the sun or moon. This place is known to be the homeland of Demons, "The Demon Realm is the accumulated remains of a thousand dead worlds, timeless and infinite. Yet it is not a lifeless realm, because something old sleeps here, something that watches and waits. Think twice before you break the ancient walls within the dungeons, because whatever built them did so for a very, very good reason. There are red eyes in the dark, and you are not supposed to be here."
- Quoted from a Unknown Source.Another note to make is that within the Demon Realm's skies lives a giant red eye, similar in appearance to the Monolith eye but more docile than Monoliths They appear as large, narrow black rectangles that float around with red eyes that fade into existence & open, They cannot move, despite the Monoliths making their notable sounds. they are also very prevalent in the Demon Realm itself, The dimension is dark, the sky is gray, featuring a giant open Monolith eye in place of the sun, and a closed one in place of the moon, The Demon realm is made out of Unravelved Fabric, Ancient Fabric, Block Static, Etheral Fluid, Amalgam Block, Drift Wood

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