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META-INF not deleting? 1.6

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FlamingoLord's Avatar FlamingoLord
Level 32 : Artisan Robot
So I'm really glad that Minecraft 1.6 is out. Horses, mules, donkeys, hay, leads ETC. The new launch is kinda stupid but I'm getting used to it. But what's really annoying me is modding. So you guys know that whenever you change minecraft.jar you have to delete META-INF? Well here's the thing: when I delete META-INF and put the mod files in, I run minecraft but the mods arent working. I look back in minecraft .jar and META-INF is back and my mod files have gone. So here's what's happening: minecraft.jar isn't actually being used but when updating minecraft to 1.6 they couldn't destroy it so they just abandoned it. It is using something called 1.6.1.jar. If none of the tutorials worked for your type of computer, please comment below telling me what type your computer is (Windows, Ubuntu, iMac ETC) and I will try to give you a solution. Thanks for reading! Here is how to fix this problem:
For those who don't use Windows
15. Run minecraft. The mod should be working. Thanks for reading!

For Windows 7
15. Run minecraft. The mod should be working. Thanks for reading!

For Windows XP
15. Run minecraft. The mod should be working. Thanks for reading!

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06/20/2016 4:33 am
Level 1 : New Miner
GamingMan's Avatar
What is the reason why the meta inf folder comes back
United Grass
06/26/2016 3:57 pm
Level 20 : Expert Explorer
United Grass's Avatar
Yeah i dont know too! Im so sad because this **** comes back every time i start minecraft. I tried to turn off the internet so it cant be downloadet but minecraft deletets the whole version
01/11/2014 3:05 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
jss6's Avatar
will this work with the new windows and it doesn't show a 1.6.1 file since I got a new laptop and redownload minecraft, what do I do?
09/09/2013 1:57 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Rewind33's Avatar
I did all of the steps for Windows 7 v and i have Windows 7. But when i choose the version, the name of the copy i have doesn't show up on the list. What did I do wrong? How do fix it.
09/09/2013 12:19 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Robot
FlamingoLord's Avatar
I'm sad to hear this problem but I hope I can help. Here it goes:
You're using Windows 7. I've done it before and it works perfectly fine so I'm sure I should be able to check. First of all, make sure your jar file, json file and folder are all called the same thing. They are also CaSe-SeNsItIvE so make sure that they are all in the same case. next make sure that you edited the json file correctly. Have you gone into your preffered text editor? Since you are using windows you should have a program called "notepad". Right click on the json file and click on open with. A message should pop up with a list of programs installed on your computer. Find notepad and select it. Inside notepad, click on edit and then replace. In the textbox called "Find" type in 1.6.2. (a: Don't type the dot on the end of 1.6.2 and b: instead put the folder you copied such as "1.7", "1.7.2 Etc.) In the message box "Replace" type in the name of your folder (So because mine was "Mods" I would type in Mods. Remember: It's case sensitive). Then click on replace all and there you go. You have finished that. I hope this works for you and best of luck.

Happy Minecrafting,
08/04/2013 11:45 am
Level 75 : Legendary Magical Girl War Lord
TheOfficialNano's Avatar
work'd after 3rd attempt, Yay :D
08/04/2013 11:33 am
Level 75 : Legendary Magical Girl War Lord
TheOfficialNano's Avatar
WHy the hell does the meta-inf come back anyway?
08/05/2013 2:35 am
Level 32 : Artisan Robot
FlamingoLord's Avatar
Moajng made it that way so that release 1.6.2 wouldn't be hacked and then changed using mods. I think they made it so you would have to make a new version which was yours so couldn't be used to hack into the public versions. That's how it works (i think xD)
07/30/2013 2:49 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
DNDMinecraft's Avatar
07/30/2013 2:51 am
Level 32 : Artisan Robot
FlamingoLord's Avatar
Thx for subbing and np
