Minecraft Blogs / Article

Midnight News With Laera | Getting Things In Order | Vol #0

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Level 30 : Artisan Skinner
For this week I want to talk about some changes I will be doing to this silly little news station. I will still be posting every Friday but only if possible since I doubt there will be something interesting to talk about every week as ive started to realize. I might also start talking about any info relating to any progress I have on requests or skins I am currently making.

For anyone discovering about this silly little project of mine from this post here is a brief of description of what this is. Every week I hope to post any news stories I find to be interesting or odd. I do my best not to talk about grim and serious topics like politics or war. If I ever do end up talking about those topics I will most likely take longer than my usual posts because I dont want to spread misinformation about such serious topics. I basically wish to share offbeat news but for the people of PMC. I also post interviews from time to time from people I know personally or people who post on PMC.

I should be posting an interview today or on Friday. As well as a skin that ive been struggling with for a while. Its a very simple skin but the only thing ive been struggling with is the hair. Anyways that all I have for today hope yall have a good week adios ppl of PMC.

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