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Midnight News With Laera | How do any of These Topics Relate | Vol #3

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Level 29 : Expert Skinner
Sources can be found at the bottom.

Hello people of PMC for this weeks report well be starting off with an odd story from Poland. A general was recently dismissed by the Polish defense minister although the reason for his dismissal was nevere reported it has been speculated that the reason he was fired was for the disappearance of a large amount of anti tank mines in June 2024 because troops did not unload all explosives from a train letting them spread throughout the country and he lied about the amount of mines in his report. His superiors only later found out after they received a call from an IKEA warehouse asking when they would be picking up the mines. Officials are still investigating on how the Mines reached the warehouse. Im personally glad this man was fired cuz how in gods green earth do you flipping lose anti tank mines what reason did he have to lie about that?

On other news Morgan Geyser one of the people who participated in the Slender Man stabbing has been released from the Winnebago Mental Health Institute. The three psycologists who have been working with her since she was sent to the institute have vouched for her sayin that she has made plenty of progress in the last 6 months and that it would harder for her the re-integrate back into society if she stayed any longer. They have also found that she has taken the change of no longer taking anti-psychotic medications. Judge Michael Bohren who committed her for her crimes when she was 12 had denied her previous four petitions for release in the past from June 2022 but now he believes that although her crime was incredibley brutal that she has proven that she able to come back to society after around 7 years in the hospital. Before we go on to our next story I would like to give a summary of the Slender Man Stabbing for those who dont know about the story. In 2014, Morgan and her friend Anissa Weier lured Payton Leutner to a Park after a sleepover where Geyser stabbed the girl while Anissa encourged her. When investigators asked for the reason for stabbing Anissa who managed to survive the 19 stab wounds they said that they did it in order to become Slender Mans servants or else he would harm theyre family members. After Morgan pleading guilty to first degree intentional homicide and was sent tothe mental institue in 2018. Her friend pleaded guilty to second degree intentional homicide and was also sent to a mental institute but was released in 2021 to live with her father although she had to wear a gps monitor. I personally think that its good that they were released and that theyre metnal state has improved, hopefully they continue to be better individuals than they were in the past but what do you guys thinks should they have stayed in the hospital for longer?

To end of this week report we will be talking about some Minecraft news finally relating to one of the first updates of Minecraft for 2025. These include 6 new features for Java Snapshot & 4 for Bedrock beta/preview. The new pig variants known as the cold and warm pig. The addition of leaf litter, falling leaves for all tree variants, and wildflowers. A change in the lodestone recipe which swaps the netherite ingot for an iron ingot. If you would like any more information that is more specific like command updates, bug fixes, or where you can find the pig variants I recommend you check the links below.

Thats all we have for this week. I hope yall have a great rest of your week and make sure not to eat any rabid dinosaurs. See yall next week PMC civillians adios. (Apologies for any sloppy writing my cat was circling me like a vulture since I was sitting on her fav chair.)

“do not be afraid to take to you Mary your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit. And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.”” - Matthew 1, 20-21

Sources : Ikea_Anti_Tank_Mines 1, 2, 3 | Slender_Stabber_Released 1, 2, 3 | New_Year_New_Testing_Features_Summary 1, 2

If the Links do not work please tell me down below. Please correct me if I made any typos or if there is any misinformation below. As well as any tips or critiques you may have for me.

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Papa Enny
01/18/2025 10:17 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Answer Dwarf
I love the reference to the ikea drama lol
01/18/2025 10:48 am
He/Him • Level 29 : Expert Skinner
