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Midnight News with Laera | Some Bizarre Happenings

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Level 29 : Expert Skinner
Sources can be found at the bottom.

Hello people of PMC, this week we got quite a few bizarre stories. To start if off we got quite the miraculous occurrence down in Surat, India. As a woman was walking home after giving offerings to a hindu temple she was seen crossing a street and sudenly a water tank fell from the sky on top of her. Instead of crushing her the tank lands perfectly around her leaving her unharmed. According to a security guard a scrap collector accidentally dropped the tank while clearing the roof. Many people believe she was saved by divine intervention. If you want to watch the camera footage check the links. And do you think it was divine intervention or not?

Next we have some strange thing happening throughout beaches in Newfoundland a Canadian province. For a round a month white blobs have been washing up on the shores of beaches. This bizarre issue started getting more attention when one of the groups members of “Beachcombers of Newfoundland and Labrador” posted an image of one of these blobs comparing it to touton dough. He also said that the blobs ranged between the size of plates to a Canadian Coin. There was another story from when Dave McGrath encountered hundred of them across the sand. He also decided to call the coast guard and after asking later how bad it was they said that they were covering around 28 miles of the coastline. People have started guessing what the blobs could be some of the guesses include : parafin wax, sea sponges, mould, palm oil, ambergris, parts of a whale corpse, whale mucus, whale vomit, other kinds of whale substances… Even a few federal scientists have tried to figure out what it could be but so far they have no leads; they also dont know weather or not it could be toxic to people or animals. If you would like to take a guess of what it could be ill give you a bit of the description and you can check the pictures via the links below. They have been described as sticky, having a similar smell to paint, having the apperance of uncooked dough, foamy looking, firm, spongy, and they are also combustible. If any of yall have any guesses id love to hear em.

And to end it we have another story from Canada thats a bit more horrific. At a Walmart in Halifax Nova Scotia on a Saturday a mother started to get worried after not seeing her daughter for a good while. After asking her fellow employees if they had seen her daughter they said that she was probably helping customers. When she was searching for her daughter one of the other employees said that there was a leakage at the walk in ovens door. When she went inside she found her daughter burned to death. The Walmart in question has been closed due to investigations being made by authorities. They have yet to determine how she may have died and police say that it is a complicated investigation and that it will probably take a long time. Walmart has also decided to offer the employees grief counseling due to this tragedy. And to give a bit more information on the family they were imigrants from India and the Maritime Sikh has made a fundraiser to help to immigrate as her husband and sons still live in India. So far 75,000 Canadian dollars have been raised to support the family. Do you guys think this could have been race related? Could it have been a murder? Or could she have perhaps fainted and died while she was unconcious? I honestly do not know but id like to hear your theories.

Anyways thats all for this week. Hope yall had a good week and adios.

Sources : Water_Tank_Miracle Links : 1 | Strange_White_Blobs Links : 1, 2, 3 | Walking_Into_Death Links : 1, 2, 3

If the links do not work please tell me down below. As well as any misinformation or typos.

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10/26/2024 6:17 am
He/Him • Level 29 : Expert Skinner
Also if I found out more information about the girl from Walmart ill either update it here or cover it on another report.
10/25/2024 8:46 pm
He/Him • Level 29 : Expert Skinner
sorry if there are any crazy typos I was mad procrastinating this week so I did this all today. also probably wont post a skin today prolly next week. Also slight correction I collected the stories throughout the week but I wrote it all today.
