Published Oct 4th, 2024, 10/4/24 8:02 pm
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Hello people of PMC for this week's report we got our first batch of actual news. To start off as all of you probably know the spooky season has begun and Minecraft has announced that a spooky new biome will be coming to the game as well as a spooky mob that comes with it. The Pale gardens is a very pale place as the name implies almost devoid of color except for the 3 eyes in the dark; and those eyes belong to the Creaking. The Creaking is a weeping angel kind of monster. When you look at it it does not move but when you look away it comes after you. And dont think just cuz this thing is a tree that you can just chop it down. This mob is immune to all damage and will only despawn once its corresponding creaking heart a new block in this biome is destroyed. Although there are some things to know for when you encounter this mob for yourself in the game. It has a certain radius that it can travel away from its Creaking heart since it is rooted to it; and it will only spawn at night. One more thing to note is that you do not necessarily have to destroy the Creaking heart for this entish fellow to disappear. The creaking heart can only spawn a creaking if there is a block above it (As far as I know it specifically needs to have a pale wood block above it). In the comments tell me what you guys think of this new mob as well as this new biome that will be coming to minecraft.
An 81 year old Montana breeder named Arthur “Jack” Schubarth, strange name ik; has been arrested and sentenced six months in prison as well as given a fine of $20,000 for illegally buying parts to clone a giant sheep species known as the Marco Polo Argali sheep throughout 2013-2021 according to the Justice Department. These crimes were committed at “Schubarth Ranch”. Not only was it immoral to clone sheep solely for trophy hunting but these sheep were on the endangered species list on top of the fact that he brought them to Montana which is also illegal because it places native sheep species at risk of disease since these are a foreign species. I'm not going to get into the nitty gritty details because I know there are children on this site so if you want to get more in detail check the sources. But cloning the sheep for trophy hunting wasn't his only crime; he also sold his MMK (Read sources to understand) product to other sheep breeders across the U.S states. The results of his product could be sold for $10,000. Not only that but he also forged the veterinary inspection certificates and lied about the sheeps legality. But the Marco Polo sheep were not the only sheep used for this man's greed; he also sold the parts of BigHorn sheep as well as buy their genetic material. Quite the strange story, hope yall aint doing this to your sheep in minecraft. Do you guys think he'll survive 6 months in prison at his big age?
Onto another animal related story, there was a rare polar bear sighting in Iceland as it landed on the shore of a remote village. The young bear was eventually shot by the police after asking the Environment Agency (Yes Environment Agency not Environmental) if it was possible to relocate the bear back to Greenland where it most likely came from; after realizing it was too expensive and that it posed a danger to the people still in the village as well as the natural wildlife. Do you think officials should have brought the bear back to Greenland despite the costs or were they right to kill the bear in this situation?
To end this off we ironically have the potential end of a 31 year old treasure hunt from France. A book named “On the trail of the Golden Owl (translated)” was filled with riddles that would hint to the location of a bejeweled bird. The statue was created by the authors of the book Regis Hauser and Michel Becker; it was made with 6 pounds of gold, 15 pounds of silver and diamond chips covering its face. They made a replica of the bird for people to find and they would need to turn the replica in as well as the answer to the riddles in the book to receive the real one. The value of the bird is estimated to be 150,000 euros or 165,00 dollars. Even though the statue has been found by a man in the middle of the night the author is checking the validity of the solutions to the riddles. I don't have many comments on this story since I literally just found out about the hunt but I find it interesting how so many people have gone out to search for the statue and try and figure out this riddle. What would you guys do if you had found that owl? Would you sell it or keep it on display?
To end this off I'd like to ask you all what you will be doing for halloween if you celebrate. What will your costume be? I personally don't celebrate but I sure do love the candy. EXCEPT FOR CANDY CORNS THERE THE WORST. Hope Yall had a great week adios.
Sources : Sheep_Clone Links 1, 2 | Iceland_Bear Links 1, 2 | The_Golden_Owl Links 1, 2, 3
If the links do not work please tell me down below. As well as any misinformation or typos.
Hello people of PMC for this week's report we got our first batch of actual news. To start off as all of you probably know the spooky season has begun and Minecraft has announced that a spooky new biome will be coming to the game as well as a spooky mob that comes with it. The Pale gardens is a very pale place as the name implies almost devoid of color except for the 3 eyes in the dark; and those eyes belong to the Creaking. The Creaking is a weeping angel kind of monster. When you look at it it does not move but when you look away it comes after you. And dont think just cuz this thing is a tree that you can just chop it down. This mob is immune to all damage and will only despawn once its corresponding creaking heart a new block in this biome is destroyed. Although there are some things to know for when you encounter this mob for yourself in the game. It has a certain radius that it can travel away from its Creaking heart since it is rooted to it; and it will only spawn at night. One more thing to note is that you do not necessarily have to destroy the Creaking heart for this entish fellow to disappear. The creaking heart can only spawn a creaking if there is a block above it (As far as I know it specifically needs to have a pale wood block above it). In the comments tell me what you guys think of this new mob as well as this new biome that will be coming to minecraft.
An 81 year old Montana breeder named Arthur “Jack” Schubarth, strange name ik; has been arrested and sentenced six months in prison as well as given a fine of $20,000 for illegally buying parts to clone a giant sheep species known as the Marco Polo Argali sheep throughout 2013-2021 according to the Justice Department. These crimes were committed at “Schubarth Ranch”. Not only was it immoral to clone sheep solely for trophy hunting but these sheep were on the endangered species list on top of the fact that he brought them to Montana which is also illegal because it places native sheep species at risk of disease since these are a foreign species. I'm not going to get into the nitty gritty details because I know there are children on this site so if you want to get more in detail check the sources. But cloning the sheep for trophy hunting wasn't his only crime; he also sold his MMK (Read sources to understand) product to other sheep breeders across the U.S states. The results of his product could be sold for $10,000. Not only that but he also forged the veterinary inspection certificates and lied about the sheeps legality. But the Marco Polo sheep were not the only sheep used for this man's greed; he also sold the parts of BigHorn sheep as well as buy their genetic material. Quite the strange story, hope yall aint doing this to your sheep in minecraft. Do you guys think he'll survive 6 months in prison at his big age?
Onto another animal related story, there was a rare polar bear sighting in Iceland as it landed on the shore of a remote village. The young bear was eventually shot by the police after asking the Environment Agency (Yes Environment Agency not Environmental) if it was possible to relocate the bear back to Greenland where it most likely came from; after realizing it was too expensive and that it posed a danger to the people still in the village as well as the natural wildlife. Do you think officials should have brought the bear back to Greenland despite the costs or were they right to kill the bear in this situation?
To end this off we ironically have the potential end of a 31 year old treasure hunt from France. A book named “On the trail of the Golden Owl (translated)” was filled with riddles that would hint to the location of a bejeweled bird. The statue was created by the authors of the book Regis Hauser and Michel Becker; it was made with 6 pounds of gold, 15 pounds of silver and diamond chips covering its face. They made a replica of the bird for people to find and they would need to turn the replica in as well as the answer to the riddles in the book to receive the real one. The value of the bird is estimated to be 150,000 euros or 165,00 dollars. Even though the statue has been found by a man in the middle of the night the author is checking the validity of the solutions to the riddles. I don't have many comments on this story since I literally just found out about the hunt but I find it interesting how so many people have gone out to search for the statue and try and figure out this riddle. What would you guys do if you had found that owl? Would you sell it or keep it on display?
To end this off I'd like to ask you all what you will be doing for halloween if you celebrate. What will your costume be? I personally don't celebrate but I sure do love the candy. EXCEPT FOR CANDY CORNS THERE THE WORST. Hope Yall had a great week adios.
Sources : Sheep_Clone Links 1, 2 | Iceland_Bear Links 1, 2 | The_Golden_Owl Links 1, 2, 3
If the links do not work please tell me down below. As well as any misinformation or typos.
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