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Migrating Your Account To Mojang - And A Strong Password [It Helps]

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Level 49 : Master Architect

Hello Minecrafters and welcome back to another blog. This blog is mostly an article and partly a tutorial so i just decided to make it a tutorial for no confusion. I'll be discussing how migrating your account to Mojang can make a big difference between having everything safe...and also changing your password to make it stronger,or possibly losing your Minecraft account or PMC account forever...As always leave some feedback down in the comments below and I hope you enjoy!

The "Hacking Incidents"

There has recently been hacking incidents on PMC involving hackers hacking into important peoples PMC accounts and taking over them. On another hand people have been gaining access to Minecraft accounts and other social media accounts all through Minecraft. These hacking incidents have caused great distress,stress, and sadness around for all the hacker's victims. These hackers have been aiming people's Minecraft accounts thus gaining there account info and email,and hacking into other people's social media accounts using that information.

How To Change Your Password - How It Helps

Changing your password for each different account you use, wether it's Facebook,Twitter,or Minecraft, makes an extremely big difference in safety. If you vary your password and it's a strong one, you should never have to worry about the possibility of being hacked. Although some people are smart and do that, there are others who use the same password for every account they have and the same email. This is WRONG. You should always vary your password yet keep it related to your other passwords so it's easy to remember. If you have a long password such as "witherslayer10576" there would be no worries of your account being hacked since it's hard to guess and it's varried from all your other passwords!

You Can Change Your Password On PMC By Going To The "My Account Area" And Goto Settings. There You Must Enter Your New Password And Old One To Confirm A New Password.

Migrating Your Account To Mojang - How Does It Help?

For Minecraft you have 1 email and password. Migrating your account to Mojang would mean you having the same email,yet a different password. This would cause confusion to the hacker thus ensuring safety in both accounts. Migrating your account to Mojang is one of the many ways to keep your Minecraft account safe and hacker-free.

To Migrate Your Account To Mojang Goto www.Mojang.com/migrate And Follow The Steps Provided To Migrate Your Account To Mojang.com!


My point is, making strong passwords and taking all measures to ensure your account's safety is one of the best things you could do to prevent stress and sadness in yourself. I hope you've all enjoyed and found this Tutorial very useful!
As always have a wonderful Minecraftian day!
Thanks For Getting This On The Popular Reel Minecrafters!

1 Update Logs

Oops! : by Heliosk 12/29/2012 8:59:49 pmDec 29th, 2012

I accidently set it as Article! It should be a Tutorial.

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12/30/2012 11:13 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Lad
Have you played on a server called Punchcraft before? It was towny if I remember, I just thought I saw you there once xD
12/31/2012 10:50 am
Level 49 : Master Architect
I've only played on 2 towny servers so far...so...possibly. I think Punchcraft was the name of one of them that I played :P
12/31/2012 12:02 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Lad
xD I just remember somebody named Keith with a number after it playing around like 6 or 7 months ago Idk :p
12/31/2012 12:13 pm
Level 49 : Master Architect
Chances are it was me :P
12/31/2012 1:01 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Lad
lol probably :D
12/30/2012 9:59 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice System
Nice blog. :) I haven't done that yet, might though...
12/30/2012 10:05 pm
Level 49 : Master Architect
Thanks :D! And i highly reccomend doing it!
12/30/2012 9:13 pm
Level 42 : Master Droid
I migrated a loooooooooong time ago. But didnt they once say it was dangerous for migrated accounts?
12/30/2012 9:37 pm
Level 49 : Master Architect
I'm not sure. Possibly until they upgraded the security and defense systems.
12/31/2012 12:49 pm
Level 42 : Master Droid
Probably, yea. I hate hackers cuz they're to poor to buy minecraft! That and they hack
