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Minecraft 1.7.2 Review! Good or Bad? ~Chan~

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SakuraChan's Avatar SakuraChan
Level 23 : Expert Mage
Is minecraft 1.7.2 a Awesome update? Or just a completely random one? So here's a quick review of whats happened in this BRAND new update 1.7.2 :)!

#1 Thanks to 1.7.2, Minecraft now has a very LARGE range of new flowers, along with some "Bushes"

Like Tulips, SunFlowers, Peony, Lilac, Double Grass, Rose Bushes, Flowers and now Dandelions and more. But sadly Roses have been removed and replaced with "Poppies". Is this a good thing? Also 2 new trees have been added, Dark Oak Wood Tree and the Acacia tree!YAY! Everybody likes trees *Lets hope O.o*! All I have to say about this is that one of the trees (I have no Idea which one it is) has a very weird colouring, like a grayish brownish colour (Pure bossness).

#2 Stained Glass, As I just said, they added Stained glass to Minecraft (along with stained glass panes), Red, Purple, Magenta, Light Gray, pink, you name it they got it! This could be a good thing for some reasons but I think that Its still pretty cool but maybe its kind of not ready to be released, but I may be wrong you all may love it for your buildings and other things that it may be useful for <3!

#3 The last thing I'm talking about :) The New foods! YAY! 1.7.2 has added MORE food into minecraft! Well, lets just say that its more "Fishy food". I have no idea why they chose these fishy creatures instead of others, ok let me tell you what type they added :) Clownfish, Pufferfish and Salmon. Maybe Salmon is OK but the others are kinda weird to me, I don't know if clownfish and pufferfish are good to eat in certain places so don't ask me... Anyways Salmon is basically like Fish, you have to get it raw and cook it, I still have no idea how to catch ANY of these! So If you do please write in the comments how thanks :D! *Eats a pufferfish, Me: OMG MY MOUTH!*

Anyways thats all I'd like to write about for the BRAND new *Drumroll* 1.7.2! DUN DUN DUNNNN

Please write in the comments if you think this new update is "Good" or "Bad" Thanks for reading!


~SakuraChan ^-^~

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11/03/2013 10:32 pm
Level 28 : Expert Unicorn
ImJustAPineapple's Avatar
a greater chance of getting other fish is getting the new enchantments on the rod, like Lure and Luck of the Sea. I caught a saddle with the enchantment(s), and my friend got a wooden sword.
11/03/2013 10:30 pm
Level 28 : Expert Unicorn
ImJustAPineapple's Avatar
I love it! i heard the pufferfish poison you or something...it went around somehow. I am not sure, i use creative mode xD
10/26/2013 7:52 am
Level 1 : New Miner
rcs963's Avatar
to laggy
10/26/2013 6:11 am
Level 23 : Expert Mage
SakuraChan's Avatar
Btw ingore the tags, I ment review....
