Minecraft Blogs / Other

Minecraft 3D Font ▒▒Preview▒▒

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Level 47 : Master Architect
Hello! I recently had an idea. I never saw a full 3D font with the title logo as letters. I want to start the first full Minecraft logo font, so you dont have to edit your text with Photoshop, Gimp, etc.

NOTE: This is for private use only.

If you republish, sell or distribute the idea I will have to have to flag it!

I will upload a pic where you see al the letters, upper case. I hope you will enjoy the font!


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07/29/2013 5:34 am
Level 44 : Master Pixel Painter
Awesome! Any news on it? :)
09/14/2013 4:44 am
Level 47 : Master Architect
Hello! Thanks! ;) Im currently searchign for a solution for a universal font which works also for text editors. Not that easy, I currently work on a PS/GIMP font. Youll need a extension for it. ;)
