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Minecraft PE Glitch

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Jdaboss1212's Avatar Jdaboss1212
Level 36 : Artisan Ninja
I have found a glitch where if you fly high enough, then fall, you can walk in the clouds! Here is how. Now first, you must fly straight up for around a minute or so. Now fall. I have no idea why, but the game will land you in the clouds and won't let you fall down to the ground ( or at least I can't). You can't place blocks, but this is just a weird and funny glitch I came across. Before you say this is fake, in the picture the jump button has a solid circle. If you we're flying, the jump button would have a wing icon in the middle. Thanks for reading and if you'd like, try it yourself! Edit: Currently, the glitch is only accessible by building on the very edge of the world to the build limit and walking off of it.

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by Jdaboss1212 12/06/2013 5:50:49 amDec 6th, 2013

Fixed inaccurate information.

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12/06/2013 7:18 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Architect
gametech114's Avatar
I also found that glitch, actually my sister did and it is like2 months ago. I try to record it on my channel, but because it is too hilarious so The video is me walking and laugh really loud. Check it out on youtube in my channel: gametech114. If I am not mistaken, the tittle is "minecraft pe glitch, lol!" This bro did not lied, but it is only working sometimes because after the recording, I tried to do it again but I can,t. What a hilarious glitch, lol. Link: m.youtube.com/watch?p=PLpJC6OS9HSVdy7JclnZDkfjkTD-Tj0inr&v=euxFlYg6s-s&feature=plpp . It is a prove that jdaboss1212 is not a liar. I don't even know jdaboss1212, this is the first time I see his post.
08/11/2013 9:09 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
BurningEntitie's Avatar
:O epic.
