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Minecraft Theory: Mushroom Biomes are Radiated?

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Level 40 : Master Nerd
The Ender Dragon is very powerful (Obviously), but who knew that he was capable of radiating biomes?

Before I can get into him polluting actual biomes, I have to prove whether he has polluting powers or not. I don't want to give to much evidence, because it'll give away a huge theory I'm saving for later, but look at his basic attacks. Other then flying around and diving at the player, the Ender Dragon is known for vomiting purple particles that really hurt the player when near it, just like radiation! Another one is from the ghasts attack move, which has purple stuff from his other attack. This means that it's radiated, which it then sends at the player.

So now we've confirmed he has radiate powers, but how strong is it? Well, the Ender Dragon can do these attacks as many times as it wants, and when he does the particle one, there's a lot of radiation, so I'm assuming he's strong enough to radiate biomes.

So, could this be radiated. It's not a stretch, for there's purple grass that has debris particles coming out of it (Which is mycelium). Also, what is radiation known for? That's right! Mutating! My idea is that not much could survive with this new habitat, that's why not many animals spawn here, and it explains the fact that no monsters spawn here either. It also explains the weirdness of the mooshrooms; they have cow traits and new mooshroom traits e.x. cows have milking, and mooshrooms make stew. It also explains why mushroom biomes are isolated, because it serves as a test site.

But that last point argues a question. Why would the Ender Dragon create a test site, rather then just using it freely? Why does he need the overworld?

Well, unless you didn't see one of my first theories (I recommend you see it, here's a link:http://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/minecraft-theory-is-the-end-an-endermens-dream/ ), you'd know that the end is just a dream, and endermen aren't (They are in the new snapshots, but since the update hasn't released, I'm not going to consider it) able to access the nether, so they're limited to the overworld.

One question is left though. Why is the Ender Dragon using radiation? Does he have anything to gain? Is he trying to become stronger? Well, whatever the answer is, it's not important.

In conclusion everyone, the Ender Dragon is a lot more stronger than we thought, and he's affected a whole biome.
CreditMe, Myself, and I

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06/08/2016 11:52 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
Good theory bro. Really like it and you gave some good evidence. But for future theories I think you should have more evidence and possibilities to make the theory a bit more interesting but other than that I give you a 9/10 + Diamond + Subscribe. ;-)
06/08/2016 10:00 am
Level 24 : Expert Nerd
The theory does kinda make sense, but the whole 'enderdragon has radiation powers confirmed' thing throws me on a loop. It's not confirmed, you just brought the evidence up. There could be a ton of other possibilities. The End City has most purple blocks, are those not radiated? Also, the eyes of the enderdragon are purple, so it just matches to have a purple attack. It's the end theme.. For the biome being radiated, I just think the creators wanted a made-up biome that seemed fantasy in a way. It has giant mushrooms, purple floors, and mushroom cows. That's like, amazing. Your blog makes sense, but I don't agree that the Mushroom biome is radiated.
06/08/2016 8:21 pm
Level 40 : Master Nerd
Sorry for the very lower quality in my theories :(
06/08/2016 8:34 pm
Level 24 : Expert Nerd
I'm not saying that whis was a bad blog, nor is it a bad idea, just it had evidence supporting and and going against this idea.
06/08/2016 8:37 pm
Level 40 : Master Nerd
To be honest, I could make a lot more theories if I didn't have to just talk about Minecraft stuff.
06/08/2016 3:35 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Hero
the player is the most Powerful He/She can kill that enderdragon and corrupt the whole world where he lives. Slaughter all the animals. Waste all the Minerals. xDD
06/06/2016 8:34 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Dragonborn
Dude I absolutely love your theories but I'm starting to realize that you kind of just pull them out of the blue, you never think about the theory is what I feel.

What I mean is, you pick a topic, say 'Mushroom biome is radiated' and you list the reasons why that could be true, on the other hand, if I sit down for a few minutes I can give you 1000 reasons why its NOT radiated.

I mean they should be a lot more achievable, that doesn't stop me from loving them though
06/06/2016 9:09 pm
Level 40 : Master Nerd
Also, what do you mean by "out of the blue,"? Are you suggesting I should make more theories surrounding my past ones, or should I make ones that actually make more sense then a dragon being able to possess radioactive waste, that uses that on biomes (Okay, I can kinda see your point)?
06/06/2016 8:57 pm
Level 40 : Master Nerd
Trust me, I'm definitely noticing my lack of work in my latest theories. I mean, I want to post often, but it takes time to come up with strong, reliable theories (At least for me). I wish all my theories could by like my endermen being corrupted players theory, but I'm really running out of ideas. And what really sucks, is that I tried to make a better theory to make up for my past two TERRIBLE ones. But I guess I'm just rushing it. If you could give me a list of my problems, I'll be happy to take that and try and improve. At least it's better than the theories I never uploaded. But thanks for the feedback!
06/07/2016 12:06 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Dragonborn
I didn't say that to make you feel bad, I'm telling you that only so you can improve them, after writing your theory go over it and improve some of the mistakes and improve some vocab, what I meant by "out of the blue" was that some don't really sound like they can be real. 'The Alex Backstory' one seems way too far fetched, because of so many reasons that I won't start to list now.

Still, I can help you. If you're willing to trust me.

- If you're vocabulary isn't good enough to write these theories (I don't think it is) you can send them to me or anyone who can improve it, I know its a bit risky but you can try it with a smaller theory or anything random.

- Add more pictures, and improve thumbnails

- Space lines so that it's easier to read and more pleasant to the eyes

- Make them voice theories if possible (video) much more pleasing than reading,
