Minecraft Blogs / Review

Mod Reviews : Tinkers Construct

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Level 18 : Journeyman Miner
Mod Review #1

Tinkers Construct for 1.6.2 by mDiyo

Tinkers Construct is a well thought out and put together mod where you build tools and of course, constructs, with new metal and substances to create some Vanilla weapons and tools with varies of attack, durability and other statistics, and some new weapons and tools. This mod also adds a few blocks that can vary in uses to an average Minecraft player. The textures of the ores, weapons, and blocks are beautiful and don't look unusual in the Vanilla Minecraft world. This mod also adds new mobs, which some have no use at the moment, but can be a challenge and a pain to work with. It doesn't give any information on the mod thread, but that is because when you spawn in-game and progress through the mod, it gives you handbooks to teach you about the mod. This mod is a very well put together mod and you should give it a try.

Mod Score: 9.5


(I do not own this mod in any way)

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06/14/2014 6:42 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
how do u get green heart canisters
