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Mojang vs. Yogscast [Resolved]

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WilliamWolff's Avatar WilliamWolff
Level 14 : Journeyman Narwhal
Okay, so i suppose you've all heard of the "F-bomb incident" by now. If you haven't, keep reading.
I'm just here with a lot of links for you guys. So you can get the whole story, or whats been published up until now.

Okay, so it all started with this tweet:
"We also learned who not to work with at Minecon. Shame.. :/"

And then we learned why:
"I'm very sorry about the behavior of the people we won't work with any more. Celebrity or not, you don't f-bomb kids."

And then who:
"Yes, Yogscast."

Then Yogscast said that they will release an official statement, when they get back to the UK
"An Official statement/Vlog will be released when Simon, Lewis and Hannah return from Las Vegas to clarify what has happened. Hopefully this will clear everything up for everyone."

Then Notch kept on about what Yogscast had done:
"Yogscast repeatedly insulted people, talked behind their backs, refused to cooperate, and acted like total spoiled divas nonstop."
"They called us "a bunch of nerds who don't know how to run a company", demanded that we pay them to come here (nobody else got paid)."
"And they claim they're the reason minecraft is big and that we should thank them more than anyone else in the community. They're total d*cks"
"A kid wanted them to sign something I had signed, and they said they'd cross it out and put "fuck you" there instead."

Then he tweeted about how good everyone else is:
"Everyone else in the Minecraft community is all about respecting and caring. They're not. They're an isolated island of egos."

And lastly, he ended on a positive node (not quite A Game of Quake III, but close enough.):
"All this said, I'm very tired at the moment, and this will probably pass. I do like the work they do, very much."

Yogscasts twitterer has confirmed an official statement withing the next 24 hours.
"the guys are currently travelling back to the UK, once they're back, give them 24 hours or so to create an official statement - MintyMinute"

So, that was all from Notch and Yogscast, finally I have Totalbiscuits (Famous Youtuber - Known for his "WTF is ..." series on indie games) and sushifishpirates (Somehow connected to the Yogscast?) views on these tweets/status update.

I will only be linking to the texts in this post, as there is simply too much.



The Yogscast has made an official response video, that links to a reddit thread (because their servers got "DDoS'ed into the ground")
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HddMANh3Xis (Video)
http://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/mnau9/yogscast_response_to_notchs_twitterings/ (Reddit Thread)
Basically, it explains that The Yogscast haven't done any of the things, that they have been accused for.

Notch apologizes:
I'm sorry about the ugly public airing of dirty laundry.

Now I can hopefully finish watching True Blood!.. :b (My Little Pony)

Sorry for any bad grammar(Typos); My main language isn't english, and it's half past 12 in Denmark right now.
CreditTotalbiscuit sushifishpirates

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11/22/2011 5:31 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Narwhal
WilliamWolff's Avatar
Adding a picture now :)
credits to this guy.. I think :P
11/22/2011 12:03 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Geek
something50's Avatar

Yogscast THE BEST !!!

11/22/2011 11:04 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
sebiver's Avatar
Yaay! your from DK! :D
11/22/2011 5:27 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Narwhal
WilliamWolff's Avatar
How did you know? Did I write that somewhere?
11/24/2011 2:50 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
sebiver's Avatar
You wrote: My main language isn't english, and it's half past 12 in Denmark right now. :P
11/27/2011 9:22 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Narwhal
WilliamWolff's Avatar
Ehm... Yeah :P Didn't see that :)
11/22/2011 9:42 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Narwhal
WilliamWolff's Avatar
I thought you guys might want my opinion aswell..

I mainly agree with Sarah Rumfelt, she commented:

"I don't really care. I'll still play Minecraft, and I'll still look up to Notch for making such an awesome game, and I'll still watch Yogscast for providing us with great entertainment for that game, and many others. This will all blow over, all(most really) of the fans will come back realizing that they over reacting and that it's just useless drama and that they should have been use to/ expected by now." on the yogscasts facebook.

Lets just wait it out, Notch overdramatised, it happens..
11/21/2011 7:47 pm
Level 48 : Master Lad
ZeRacMan's Avatar
First of all, people shouldn't judge the Yogscast before they say for themselves.

Second of all, it's not like the Yogscast don't curse on their vids. I know they "dropped the f-bomb" on a little kid but if the kid didn't mind then Notch shouldn't talk smack so much. In fact, they should just apologize to each other. While the Yogscast might have not brought all the people to Minecraft, they brought A LOT. I started playing because of their hilarity and I wanted to have as much fun as they did. I still think of the same about the Yogscast as I did a couple months ago. They are still the awesome, funny duo we all admire.

-I just hope they straighten things out. :)
11/21/2011 9:19 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Hero
sed11's Avatar
yeah but they shouldnt do that to the creator of the game that seems like their favorite.

I agree their vids are kinda funny but I actually tried minecraft cuz I heard of it from a friend and I didnt even know about the yogscast and i liked the game still before I heard of them.

Then I did sometime idk when maybe during 1.6 or 1.7 I got the game during 1.5
11/21/2011 6:47 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Narwhal
WilliamWolff's Avatar
Sorry for the white background on some of the quotes :P Dunno how to edit.. Sowwy!! :]

EDIT: Fixed :D
