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My modding project progress, [Yet to be named]

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Level 29 : Expert Procrastinator Procrastinator
Well as some of you know I'm starting a mod project that I've had in the back of my mind for quite a while, I know basically nothing about java but I'll learn it to make it happen, in the meanwhile though I'll post some progress updates here, call it a window to my work area. If you want feel free to comment anything, be it feedback or whatever.

Ok enough presentations, the mod is currently unnamed, but it focuses on materials and sideways progression, giving you new materials, tools, armor, and weapons, that each fit a different use case.

Right now I've got 2 workstations planned, the Forging Station...
(textures are animated these are just screenshots)

My modding project progress, [Yet to be named] My modding project progress, [Yet to be named] My modding project progress, [Yet to be named]

And the Infusing Table...

From these you can combine different materials either via good old forging or magical infusing.

One of these which I'm currently working on is the Prismarine Set, which for now includes items like:

-The Prismar Alloy, made in the forging station with prismarine and a yet to be chosen metal (i.e. Iron, Copper or even Netherite).

-Refined Prismarine Crystals, which I don't know how to craft.

And some miscellaneous blocks such as a Prismarine Crystal Block (for easy storage and decoration), Refined Prismarine Crystal Bricks and a Prismar Alloy Block.

Finally on this set I have a sword texture (the Prism Sting) which has been through some iterations of which I'll show you 2, the older one and the new (likely) final version



As for other sets I only have some basic ideas yet, but I can show off some of the textures I already made and feel are good enough to show off.

These are (and please forgive the generic names) the Pyrominum Alloy, from the blaze set;

The Nautilium Alloy, from the nautilus set;

Echo Iron, from a sculk inspired set;

Glow Ingot, from a glow squid inspired set;

And Star steel, from an actual sort of original idea;

And that's pretty much all the textures I'm actually happy with, I've got some more stuff made but I feel like they still need an edit or two. These include a bunch of swords without a proper theme, a few ingots for different sets, etc. Again I'd like to add I'm just now trying to wrap my head around java to then properly implement some of the features into a beta like state, but until then I'll post progress updates here. With that out of the way I hope you like my textures and uhm wish me luck I guess XD, hope you have a nice day!

P.s.: Setting up images with imgur and then resizing them manually is painful.

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