This Blog is an entry in the completed Planet Minecraft 10 Year Anniversary Event.

Minecraft Blogs / Art

❀ My PLanetMinecraft Wall of Memories ❀

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Retired Moderator
Level 68 : High Grandmaster Warrior Princess
Hi everyone! I'm here to share some memories
for RAFFLE | PMC 10 Year Anniversary Event
I actually make screenshots pretty much of everything here which makes me happy
but today this is about just some of my memories :)

The best memory on Planet Minecraft for me is every single moment!
I keep my memories in safe and never forget these feelings.
I'm at home now. This place feels like home. It has the best people I've ever met.
They're supportive, kind and just amazing.
I can be inspired and have motivation to create here to make other people happy!
I love this place where I can be myself and be loved for who I am.
So thank you all for being a part of my life! ♡

[​Better quality picture (clickable)]

❀ My PLanetMinecraft Wall of Memories ❀

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