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Alternative Theory: Test-Subject Slenderman

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Level 32 : Artisan Mage
Here's a theory on Slenderman...

There was a man who was a test subject for a group of scientists to do their "experiments" on. The man as a result took drugs that increased his hormones level, which then made him exceptionally tall. One day the scientists were testing their new hypnosis liquid that (in theory) would enter the brain and strengthens the cells that makes you obey however the effect was something different...the mans face started peeling off and soon all that was left was a head with no features. This angered him and so he attacked the scientists who had done it to him but there was no need. The hypnosis worked and when the surprised scientists look at him they were put into a hypnotic trance. Thats when he killed them.

That was the day Slenderman was born.


The man retreated to his dark little home away from society. But due to this he became crazy. With no one to keep him company, not being able to see, smell and hear. With every passing day he became crazier and crazier, so warped that he started kidnaping little children and taking them to his lair where their parents would never see them again.

Hope you liked it please leave a diamond and tell me what you think.

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Tutto200 08/26/2012 5:29:16 amAug 26th, 2012

better grammer

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06/16/2013 5:09 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Mage
Finally updated...
06/16/2013 3:17 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman System
i like the theory butt..... how did the media find him?
and make games? and if he cannot see how can he write pages [aka 8 pages]
06/16/2013 3:25 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Mage
The little girl wrote the pages. The media found him to be only a creepy pasta made up character. They found him to be a hit so made a game.
06/16/2013 4:18 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman System
cool! can do a theory of bigfoot next? or herobrine.. or...
06/16/2013 4:19 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman System
oh and im the tenth doctor!! SUCK IT MATT SMITH!!
06/16/2013 4:54 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Mage
Random. But yeah sure, I can take a request for you and I'll theorise it ;)
06/14/2013 7:38 am
Level 21 : Expert Zombie
lol yeah love the pic^_^

6th Diamond! Yay!
06/14/2013 8:19 am
Level 32 : Artisan Mage
Thanks! But the stories quite bad...so I'll edit it later with much more description!
06/14/2013 7:32 pm
Level 21 : Expert Zombie
Yeah and maybe you could wiggle an Enderman in there somewhere..? (lol)

I have something on my mind. Slender the game isn't all that scary, but the shock of seeing something where you don't expect it is what scares you... and makes you buy more underwear. ^_^
04/08/2013 1:48 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
lol i love that pic
