Minecraft Blogs / Other

Nether reactor in 0.5.0?

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Level 12 : Journeyman Architect
I read a bit about it and so far all I know about it is that it spawns zombie pigmen. I hope it will get more purpose and maybe give you nether items. I also hope that Johan will reveal more about it before 0.5.0 comes out. Please leave your idea on what it will do in the comments. So now as a good idea , I might make building tutorials for mobs for those who like legos. For those who are waiting for their skin request, I will make them.
CreditJohan for the game

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01/08/2013 10:43 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Ranger
that lego vilagger looks cool did you made it
01/08/2013 7:26 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Architect
Yeah. It took a while to figure out the amount of space the arms would use though.
01/09/2013 2:19 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Ranger
i Made almost all mobs in minecraft even the Wither but i cant do the dragon

i made vilagers with theyr own robes like black is blacksmith white is buttcher and etc
