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Nightmarish Liquid, A full Analysis, Weapon Profiles, LittleTravisaincBlockyCube's PMC Lore.

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Travisa Inc
Level 25 : Expert Company
this serum, which is black in color & kept in flasks, is used in Travisa Inc Testing Tracks, & also to test the Brain's fear reaction, in order to see how badly it affects test subjects, one method is by infecting test subjects with it, turning them black with white eyes & a mouth that goes all the way around their head full of human square teeth, these hybrids are used to further scare the test subjects & to also, test the fear reaction, Travisa Inc Illegally purchased this serum from the United States Government after it was decommissioned in the 1980s & re-produced it alot, resulting in Travisa Inc having alot of it, Travisa Inc then used it also as a Mobility Gel, to infect the Travisa Inc Test Subjects as well, sometimes, this also infected the Scientists.

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01/25/2025 10:52 am
He/Him • Level 17 : Journeyman Sus Jerry
Sounds yummy
01/25/2025 1:56 pm
He/Him • Level 54 : Grandmaster Blacksmith Enchanter
Do you want to be infected
01/25/2025 2:15 pm
He/Him • Level 17 : Journeyman Sus Jerry
Depends if the stuff tastes good
01/31/2025 7:32 am
He/Him • Level 54 : Grandmaster Blacksmith Enchanter
Its like diet coke
