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Order Out of Chaos | The Birth of the Chaos Legion Chapter III

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Level 57 : Grandmaster Loremaster
Following the PMC Military's failed siege of Chola Island, Planet Minecraft has been locked in an all-out war across all three dimensions. Travel is restricted, and guards have been raised. The casualties are high, and sometimes, it seems that peace may be an impossibility...

It is currently November 26th, marking exactly 2 weeks since the Forge declared war on the Cryptic Family and started this whole mess. Privates SB and Violiie, who participated in the Siege of Chola Island, have been stationed in PMC City after battles on Morbid Island, Forge Island, and even ones in Sodaville, the soul sand valleys and basalt deltas of the Nether Empire, and the beautiful End City. Both of them have grown weary of the conflict, which all the nations except the Illager Clan are involved. As they ate their lunch, SB got an idea. "Violiie, I have a thought..." he says, taking a bite out of his sandwich. "What if we form a peacekeeping organization?" "A peacekeeping organization?" Violiie asks, biting her own sandwich. "Yeah, to try and deescalate the conflict." SB elaborates. "I know you're gonna say we won't get enough support, but I doubt that. Look around. All these people look sick and tired of the war. When we went to Morbid Island? Sick and tired. The Forge? Sick and tired? Even some of the folks in the Nether look like they just want this whole thing to be over. I'm already getting ideas for a structure now, and if we put out some ads quick enough, we could have our first meeting tomorrow." "Okay..." Violiie says. "Let's give it a shot."

After lunch, they begin making ads to promote themselves both online and physically; they also go around the military base recruiting people. As they do this, SB fills his friend in on all the details of this new organization, and slowly writes a speech to give at their first meeting the following day. General Converses, who was in charge of overseeing the base that week, takes note of their activities, but doesn't intervene.


The following day, at around 2:45 PM, SB and Violiie request to go for a drive. Converses allows them to leave, and they head upstairs to the surface level of the PMC Military base, where they go to the parking lot and take one of the jeeps to the outskirts of the city. On their drive, they go up Paril Road and past Cyprezz Tower, before turning around to go back down on the opposite side of the block. They pass the city cemetery and see someone glumly shoveling the fifth hole in a line of graves for deceased soldiers. Not long after that, they reach their destination - a bunker. "What's this?" Viollie inquires as they exit their vehicle. "It's our impromptu base of operations." SB answers. "Remember Blue's Rent-a-Bunker business?" Violiie gives an understanding nod. "Now let's hurry." Sb says. He checks his phone. "The meeting starts at 3:20. We've got about 25 minutes to set everything up."


After they finish setting up the bunker, they sit down to rest for a little. Violiie takes the time to check the news on her phone. "Hey, did you see this?" she asks SB, holding up a news article with a headline that reads "FORGE COUNCILMAN CLOUD SPOTTED LEAVING ISLAND ON BOAT." "It says his leave was unannounced and he appeared to be trying to remain incognito." "Interesting." SB comments. He checks his watch; it's 3:17.

"This the right place for that peacekeeping organization?" a familiar voice asks as he climbs down the ladder. "Wait, Cloud?" SB says. "Is it really you?" "Yup." the Forge Councilman nods. He's clad in a hooded black trenchcoat to avoid being recognized; he begins to take it off and hang it on the wall. "Well, um, take a seat." SB tells him. "Violiie, wanna start a list?" "Sure." Violiie replies, finding a clipboard and a piece of paper and taking out her pen to begin a list of recruits. The next to arrive is none other than Converses. "Cloud?" he asks. "What are you doing here?" "Same thing as you." Cloud answers. "A bit ironic, considering you're kinda the cause of this whole thing." Converses remarks. Cloud gives him a side-eye.

The third person to arrive is Jupiter, followed by another surprise government official - Field Marshall Rob! "I didn't even know you'd left Chola Island!" Violiie comments. "I'm very good at sneaking around." Rob replies. He then sees Cloud and Converses and decides to sit all the way in the back, far from them; the tension between the Forge, Cholan Empire, and Mainland is represented in the three high-ranking PMCers. "Cloud!" Trot, the next arrival and a citizen of the Forge, exclaims. "Trot!" Cloud responds. "Nice to see you!" She sits down next to him and tosses a small fireball back and forth while she waits for the meeting to start. After comes Spencer, leader of the Luminous Gang, an organization living under the city who provides the PMC Military with support troops. The rest of the people to arrive are Roman (a dragonkeeper from the End), Mr. Higlin (a skilled soldier from the city), Neon (a local artist), Si (a good friend of SB's who has several different occupations), BookWyrm (a medic from the Cholan Empire), Fish (also an artist), Gracie (an active member of the city church and all-around kind person), Slava (a coder), and Fatal (yet another artist).

They wait a few more minutes, and a few more people arrive before they close the bunker doors. SB steps up the podium, his speech ready. "Welcome, everyone, to inaugural meeting of my new peacekeeping organization." he begins. "Some of you may know me - after all, I personally invited a few of yours - but if you don't, I'm SB, and this is my friend Violiie, and we're quite frankly tired of this war. If you came here today, you probably are too." "Except the guy who started it." Higlin mutters half-jokingly under his breath. Cloud stands up again and looks at him. "What was that?" he asks. "Nothing." Higlin responds. "Don't act like I didn't here you." Cloud says with a growl. "Look, I'm well aware of how unpopular I am right now, but for the past few weeks, I've been filled with regret. I didn't realize how horrible this would be. I'm deeply sorry, everyone, for all the trouble I've caused you. There's no way to change the past, but we can definitely change the future. However, that's not happening unless you all can learn to trust me so we can work together."

"Well said, Cloud." SB says. "That brings me to my next point: our mission. I think it's pretty clear, but basically, what we're going to do is try to convince as many soldiers and leaders to pull out of this war, and try to get the folks at the very top to meet and establish some more peaceful relations. It's ambitious, I know, but with hard work, we can pull it off, doubly so now that I know we'll have Cloud, Rob, and Spencer to help us out. Now, allow me to go over the structure of this group. At the very bottom are the recruits, who will have to undergo a 1-week course in basic combat and diplomacy training - that's all of you guys. Once they pass the course, they become Infantrymen, and above them are Commanding Infantrymen. Slightly above Commanding Infantrymen are Elites, followed by Battlemasters and High Battlemasters. Before you ask why we have a lot of military-type stuff, I anticipate that we'll have to do a lot of fighting if we want to survive out there... Battlemasters will oversee the units in the field, and High Battlemasters will oversee multiple of said units. On an equal level are the Legionmasters and the Council; both have more administrative positions, but the Legionmasters are combat-focused while the Council handles resources. Both report directly to me, the Supreme Commanding Legionmaster. I think that's almost everything, so do you all have any questions?"

"Yes, I have one." Rob says, raising his hand. "What is this group called? The name isn't on any of the ads, and you haven't mentioned it all." "Ah yes, I was about to tell you all." SB answers. "We're the Chaos Legion, because we make order out of chaos."


Cast (in order of appearance)
SuperstitiousBot (anonpmc4374529) as Private SB
Violiie (anonpmc4316492) as Private Violiie
blackconverses as General Converses
cloudkitty as Councilman Cloud
Jupit3r as Jupiter
Rob333 as Field Marshall Rob
Trotelot as Trot
Sp3nc3r_ as Spencer
Roman_95 as Roman
MrHiglin as Mr. Higlin
SynthesizedEcho as Neon
LegendarySi as Si
BookWyrm_ as BookWyrm
FISH5398 as Fish
GracieMockingjay as Gracie
SlavaTheEngineer as Slava
fatal error as Fatal

Mentioned (in order of mentioning)
BlueBoyBuilds as Blue

Writing began 12-11-2024 at 5:52 PM EDT
Writing completed 12-13-2024 at 1:59 PM EDT
Published 1-21-2025 at 5 PM EDT
Written by IGEBM
Cover art by IGEBM

Based on Real Events

The attendees of the first Chaos Legion meeting in Blue's Rent-a-Bunker are the first 15 known members of the group, which I was able to determine through the first page of guest book posts. According to SB in a wall post made on the 27th, we had 18 members at the end of our first day, but I haven't been able to identify the other 3 people, so I simply said that "a few more peopled arrived." I would've used the Wayback Machine to view the group page from that week or day, but there were no captures of it until mid-March of last year, so that was a dead end.

(Also, I referred to Echo as Neon in this chapter because that was her nickname at the time; in-universe, she would change her name to Echo later down the line, hence why she's called that in present-day stories.)

Truth be told, it's kinda funny looking at the list of early Legion members, since several of them left the group a while back. It's the same feeling I get when I revisit my older stories from last year and see all the users featured in it who either left the site or got banned (though to a lesser degree, since I wasn't a member of the group during its early days).

Oh yeah, one other thing I'd like to note is that the "order out of chaos" motto being used is slightly inaccurate, since it wouldn't come about until the leadership of Anarchist Si. (As some of you may know, it was done as a tribute to our friend OrderOutOfChaos/Peter after his infamous banning from the site in March of 2023.)

People I'm Tagging So They Can See This
Zibonzi, ShadowZibonzi, Firestar2477278, DarkIce8727742, Aspirin60, GhostlyBit_57, Silabear, DarkRob333, TheMcPig, anonpmc4316492, Greief, Sp3nc3r_, Rakkitatoru, LeLovesJazz, CrownDeluxe, AxolotlArmy, BigFatPotat, ShadowOnTheLoose, WhisperOfTheWild, The Last Kirbalorian, Purpl3_, GoldenScientist, ClayMan1077, Bubblez705, Scarlamagne_Lunar, KaiOceansword, Darkfap, Panda_Tyger, Katfoo10, PsioPsia001, Elightin_elytra, Rob333, SynthesizedEcho, DoreoTheOreo, Ww2guru73, Jerrygames124, Bmining525

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CreditSB, for founding the Legion

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01/21/2025 8:56 pm
He/Him • Level 39 : Artisan Procrastinator
Please note, I saw this
01/21/2025 9:00 pm
He/Him • Level 57 : Grandmaster Loremaster
