Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

Potion Recipes

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Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
Hello! Don't know / need a reminder on how to make potions? It's simple. Follow this guide - and you'll be set.

Notes: REDSTONE increases the duration of your potion.
          GLOWSTONE increases the strength of your potion.

The Basics - The basics are.... basic. The items you will need to make potions / brew are:

- Brewing Stand

- A Cauldon

- Glass Bottle

- Water Bottle

- Awkward Potion (Glass Bottle + Nether Wart in Brewing Stand) Base of most potions

Useful Potions
- Let's get to potions ;) First pleace Water Bottles in the Brewing Stand. Then add these ingerdients in order.

Nether Wart + Glistering Melon + (optional) Glowstone = Potion of Healing

Nether Wart + Ghast Tear + (optional) Redstone or Glowstone = Potion of Regeneration

Nether Wart + Magma Cream + (optional) Redstone = Potion of Fire Resistance

Nether Wart + Blaze Powder + (optional) Redstone or Glowstone = Potion of Strength

Nether Wart + Sugar + (optional) Redstone or Glowstone = Potion of Swiftness

Nether Wart + Pufferfish + (optional) Redstone + Potion = Potion of Water Breathing

Nether Wart + Golden Carrot + (optional) Redstone = Potion of Night Vision

Nether Wart + Golden Carrot + Fermented Spider Eye = Potion of Invisibility

Useful Splash Potions - Like potions, but you can throw them!

Notes: Gunpowder makes all potions splash potions.

Nether Wart + Glistering Melon + (optional) Glowstone + Gunpowder = Healing

Nether Wart + Glistering Melon + Fermented Spider Eye + (optional) Glowstone + Gunpowder = Harming I
Nether Wart + Spider Eye +Fermented Spider Eye + (optional) Glowstone + Gunpowder = Harming II

(Anything or nothing) + Fermented Spider Eye + (optional) Redstone + Gunpowder = Weakness

That's all the basic potions you'll need! Have fun on your adventures in Minecraft!

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