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Revisiting My Old Minecraft Maps: Slime Run

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Level 13 : Journeyman Goblin
(The following blog post was written on April 16th, 2024, for my website, concon.soy)

My last blog post about Minecraft was about a map I made on the Xbox
360 version of Minecraft many years ago. This blog post is a
continuation of that, as I will be looking at another one of my Xbox 360
maps. I present to you: Slime Run, my parkour map.

slimerun town

The player starts off in a small town area with a few houses and
armor stands which I dressed up with armor and heads. These armor stands
have signs next to them, so they're supposed to be like NPCs who talk
to you and tell you things. The "NPC" featured most prominently in this
map is named the Guide, and he is supposed to "guide" you throughout the
map. Not much else is in the starting area and I didn't really think it
out too much.

Then, the actual gameplay begins. You climb up a ladder where you are greeted by a list of rules which are as follows:
  1. Have Fun
  2. No griefing
  3. Respect Host
  4. No Cheating"

      There is also a completely empty leaderboard and a list of credits,
      which show my old Xbox username "OctavalBus5921", and my good old friend
      "A TOWN DIZZLE". I noticed that a lot of the signs had colored text,
      which I definitely did not know how to do, so it must've been my friend
      Dizzle who made that happen. Speaking of things on this map made my
      people other than myself, I should mention the really nice, well
      constructed hot air balloon near the start of the map was made by him as
      well. Once the player reads the rules and credits thoroughly without
      ignoring them like everyone surely did back in the day, they finally get
      to begin the PARKOUR. HARDCORE PARKOUR.

      slimerun level 1

      First off is the Forest Level. I don't think I scaled the difficulty
      of this map perfectly, but I broke it into eight different levels (plus
      one seasonal bonus level) which are supposed to get progressively
      harder. The first level is the forest level or something, not much of
      note besides the cool ass hot air balloon I described before. There area
      also a few fences which you have to jump on, which are a huge pain in
      the ass and probably shouldn't have been included in the first level.

      slimerun level 2

      Next up is the Ice Level!! This one is unique because it has a few
      cool detailed floating icy islands as platforms, which of course weren't
      made by me. I tried to take advantage of the fact that it was ice
      themed, so naturally many of the platforms are made of ice and it is
      very slippery. One such platform, as seen in the screenshot, reaches the
      floor of the superflat world and looking back at it, looks somewhat
      phallic. Another thing that can be seen in the screenshot is a chest
      which had some bonus item or something in it. I think I put one in each
      level, see if you can spot it!

      slimerun level 3

      This is the Stone Level. There's not much to say about this level.
      The platforms are all made of stone or stone bricks. I put ore and stuff
      in some of them to add a little detail. On the bottom platform at the
      beginning of the stone level, I built a slime. The slime looks like some
      kind of messed up slime X ghast love child abomination, however. I
      build quite a few of these slimes around the level to make it feel like
      the slimes are chasing you and you need to do the parkour fast or else
      the slimes will do God knows what to you, but the end product is that
      there's a bunch of weird looking slime builds without much consistency
      on how I build the slimes.

      slimerun level 4

      Next we have the Desert Level. Much like how I used ice's slippery
      properties to set the ice level apart from the others, I spammed the
      fuck out of cacti in the desert level. A few of the platforms have a
      cactus in the middle of them so players slam into them and get hurt and
      it's funny. There's also a grand big cactus maze which is pretty easy to
      solve, but once in a blue moon I would watch some random Xbox Live
      squeaker get pricked to death. Enough squeakers must've succumbed to The
      Prickening to where I felt it necessary to add a little checkpoint
      right after the maze. This level also marks the return of the fence
      jumps, which are still a pain in the ass.

      slimerun level 5

      Without a doubt, the most unique level of the bunch. Here is the
      Mariana Trench level. My memory is a bit foggy, but if I remember
      correctly, the guy who helped me build this map suggested it as a level.
      In a way, it's sort of like the Mariana trench because there's water
      and it's really dark, but that's basically it. It's just the sea themed
      level. Still though, it is very unique. Instead of being out in the open
      like the other levels, it's in a closed off hallway. Instead of dying
      when you fall, you land in the water and have to swim back (very
      annoying) so I like it.

      slimerun level 6

      The nether themed level brings us back to more of a "traditional"
      Slime Run experience. Naturally, I used a few soulsand platforms to make
      the level fit the lava theme, as well as some netherrack platforms with
      fire on them. I made a lava maze, which is just like the cactus maze
      from the desert level, but harder. To make the level more "immersive", I
      built a slime hanging off one of the netherrack platforms. I also built
      the "King Magma Cube", a magma cube with a crown. I probably should've
      built more magma cubes in the nether level, because the only magma cube
      is the king, so he has nobody to rule over.

      slimerun level 7

      Next up is the End Level. Looking back at this level, I definitely
      feel it should've been harder and utilized the end theme more. The
      platforms consist of end brick, purpur blocks, purple stained glass and
      birch fences. The purple stained glass and birch fences were used
      because they fit the colors of the end, but I think it would've been
      cool if the parkour ended with some kind of ender pearl jump or
      something. Probably the laziest level of them. At least I built a little

      slimerun level 8

      Last up is the Slime Level. You start off by jumping on small
      concrete slimes as platforms. Then there's a few easy slime blocks to
      jump across, and then there's a big drop and you must use your momentum
      from jumping on the slime block to make an otherwise impossible jump.
      After that there's just a few other platforms and you're done. It's a
      fairly short level.

      And that's it. There was some kind of final level/King Slime boss fight planned, but it was never finished. Currently, I'm working on finishing and polishing this map even though it';s probably not worth it. This Blog Post was written months ago, and Slime Run, along with the King Slime boss level, has been finished and posted here on Planet Minecraft for the masses to enjoy, just like the subject of my previous blog post, Kill Craft. Thanks for reading.

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      01/22/2025 12:06 am
      Level 13 : Journeyman Goblin
      For some reason this is on the popular reel so thx guys
