Minecraft Blogs / Art

Skull and Roses painting in high-definition

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Yekulten's Avatar Yekulten
Level 45 : Master Crafter
As some of you may know, the Minecraft Paintings were done by the artist Kristoffer Zetterstrand. However, the "Skull and Roses" painting is actually a cropped version of the painting "Moonlight Instillation" with the roses added. In fact, there are several of Kristoffer's paintings that have been modified and remained to better fit the game such as "Seaside" to "Sea," "The stage is set" to "Stage," and "RGB" to "Pigscene." You can compare them all for yourself here.

My inspiration was from Yuanda, who recreated some high resolution paintings, but he used the "Moonlight Instilation" painting for Skull and Roses so I decided that I would make it myself. I think it would be interesting to redo the whole painting with the roses added (using the rosebush texture for reference of flower placement.) Maybe one day.
Something like this
CreditKristoffer Zetterstrand and Yekulten

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09/02/2022 10:11 pm
Level 45 : Master Crafter
Yekulten's Avatar
Now that I've uploaded it, the unpainted parts look a little grainy. It didn't seem very grainy while I was editing it, so I don't know why that is. Oh well...
