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So Realms Is Comming Up...

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Level 19 : Journeyman Toast

But how good will it be? I hear we will be able to manage our worlds but thats pretty much it. Im stumped on plugins and things. Some say they you can manage it just like any other old fationed server but Im not so sure. But Im pretty pumped for Realms though, as I will be renting my own server for my friends and my family that lives in colorado. Realms sounds like a blast o3o Cant wait!

But what about using a cracked acount? I think this will eliminate free playing if you arent able to get into the console yourself because then you cant change it to offline mode.  Good thing I haz acount right?

Not too long of a blog but theres nothing else to say ;3 PEACE

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03/25/2014 7:26 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
Realms are essentially a combination of a whitelisted server and a LAN world. Only those players that have been invited can join, and beyond that, it is Vanilla gameplay. The ability to set the realm temporarily to a minigame world has been recently added, but nothing plugin-wise can be done, as it is not a full-fledged server. The benefit to this is having a reliable host for a private group of players.
