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Sombra's Revenge - and how did my break go

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Ender Sparkle
Level 47 : Master Enderdragon Loremaster
Hello guys! I am back from my break!
So if you randomly found this blog and you are unintroduced to the context - I went on a break for the November, announcing it earlier in my previous blog. I'm more than happy to return here. I'll answer some questions about me that no one suggested first:

Q: Are you okay?
A: More than last month. Still have some stuff to fix, but I'm making both myself and my life better, one step at a time.
Q: What did you do whilst off PMC?
A: Well, things that I do when I'm not on PMC; drawing, reading, playing video games...
Q: Any big goals?
A: Not much. My one goal is to have some peace in my life. There's so much drama going on, why most of it needs to stick to me? In real life, I do not crave much attention. Fame is not what I want. I just want to do things that I find enjoyable and that I'm as good at it as others. Maybe not the monumental level of trending fanarts, but still comparable to others.
Q: Any goals that are more specific? Plans for your real future self?
A: The truth is - I don't really know what would be my destiny, if something like that exists at all. But recently I thought I got some hints. I like history. I like diving deep into lore of the fandoms I get into. History is just real life lore. I think I figured out the first of the clues.
Q: You mentioned reading. What lectures have you stumbled upon?
A: Finished first tome of Lord of the Ice Garden (that was the mystery book from one of my posts btw), a comic book, and obtained a tome from a brand new sci-fi series about a human escaping from the slavery of an alien hivemind empire.
Q: Any interesting dreams?
A: Two nightmares, both happened on one night (I have a tendency to have a second nightmare after going back to sleep after one). First one was about endoscopy, but it, was not like normal visit to do it, it was just the camera POV and all I could see were the guts. No monitor material, no surroundings, not being the camera, just a point of view. Second one was me being transported to a prison painted in ugly teal-green paint on the inside, to serve a 3 month prison sentence. I consider this one prophetic and telling me how an IRL problem would be fixed.
Q: Did something that happens to you extremely rarely has happened?
A: I actually got sick. Like with fever and everything, getting at one moment to the point where I almost threw up. I were pretty lucky, because I missed some of the hard tests and got time to prepare for them, and at another point staying at home felt like cheating. And I got a fever dream of me walking on a hill in Minecraft that was shaped like my arm, and had blocks (layers too) of snow and burnt pizza.

Aand now for the fun part! Lore dump for E.S.! But... Who is E.S. in this case?

Sombra's Revenge

So now I also answer questions no one asked, but now they are related to the comic characters instead!
Q: Why is the theme Sparkle's sudden baldness?
A: There was a gag where Timofefe forgot to draw horns whenever he drew my main OC. Sombra's account got banned, so he got revenge, now a bigger and better one.
Q: On the old post by Sombra, this weird red entity that's supposed to be evil version of Tin was indistinguishable from him. How?
A: Clothing and system color change mod. If we got multiversal travels, this kind of stuff is a piece of cake. It also probably is even now.
Q: Why is Travisa here?
A: Offsite drama reasons. Some sort of harmless revenge. Still inferior to what has he done.
Q: Is the comic canon?
A: Possibly.
Q: Could you turn E.S. (either) into a glass of salted water?
A: Under unimaginable pressure and specific circumstances, yes. The water would be contaminated and a bit purple. But why would one do that?
Q: Why do you use numer 677 often?
A: Xbox randomly chose it for me 6 years ago. Also we can see it as a Bible reference since 7 is considered perfect and 6 imperfect. Here we can see that despite the imperfect origin we got a pure soul and a good motive under her actions. She just a but silly sometimes... You'll see more about her later.
Q: What skin color would be E.S. if she was a human?
A: But what if I don't allow a Human AU in the first place? But seriously, idk.
Q: Most unusual canon Sparkle's fear?
A: Bipedal dogs.
Q: Dealing with that one unreachable spot on the back when it itches?
A: It isn't unreachable because thank God E.S. (either) has wings.
Q: How does unintentional fire breathing work? When does it happen?
A: It often happens while being sick. If it's fire, it's bad, but when even the acid doesn't want to burn, it's a critical state, possibly having one toe on the other side already.

Nice to see y'all again! Now time to bed, it's 1:45 AM 😴

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12/06/2024 5:14 pm
He/Him • Level 54 : Grandmaster Blacksmith Enchanter
Ender Sparkle
12/09/2024 9:50 am
She/Her • Level 47 : Master Enderdragon Loremaster
25 diamonds here a.d E.S. gets her horns back
12/01/2024 4:42 am
He/They • Level 25 : Expert Spelunker System
Ender Sparkle
12/01/2024 4:58 am
She/Her • Level 47 : Master Enderdragon Loremaster
You made history, my friend.
11/30/2024 8:22 pm
He/Him • Level 60 : High Grandmaster Dinosaur Jerry
me when jerry mention

also that text was impossible to read with the dark background
Ender Sparkle
12/01/2024 1:27 am
She/Her • Level 47 : Master Enderdragon Loremaster
Try turning on more lightness
11/30/2024 8:46 pm
He/Him • Level 13 : Journeyman Ranger Mage
I could not read it eaither
