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stuck zoomed in

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Danton15h's Avatar Danton15h
Level 44 : Master Dinosaur
ok please don't do anything to this blog. I'm completely out of luck, I've tried everywhere and there doesn't seem to be a solution. i reset minecraft, do everything everyone has said, but I seem to be stuck in some sort of zoom in. sort of like optifine's zoom in, but i'm in vanilla minecraft. no clue how i did it, but it seems to be stuck, no matter what server, or if i'm in single player it's all the same. just to be curious I went to optifine and hit ctrl, but it zoomed in even farther. if anyone knows whats going on, or how to fix it PLEASE help me.
thank you.

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11/16/2015 5:07 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
BronzeBurn099's Avatar
Danton idk what to say, Thank you so much! you helped me when there were no other answers, i looked everywhere.
12/05/2014 1:16 am
Level 44 : Master Dinosaur
Danton15h's Avatar
solved. if you ever have the same problem, go to your .minecraft folrder, and delete the options.txt file. then it should work.

happy mining, Danton Holcombe
10/15/2016 6:38 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Procrastinator
javad's Avatar
It was your FOV
10/15/2016 10:57 am
Level 44 : Master Dinosaur
Danton15h's Avatar
well no shit
