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The Birth of the Legion of Fallen Steel in LittleTravisaincBlockyCube's PMC Lore.

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Level 54 : Grandmaster Blacksmith Enchanter
it was a cold desolate night, in a abandoned building, with the windows boarded up & electricity bills long since overdue & electricity long since shut off, a Jagdpanther tank materializes out of no-where, JagdpantherKing131 opens the hatch then closes it, as he then lands on the ground & meets up with EmeraldKinq & LittleTravisaIncBlockyCube along with SeraphimEv & ChristalWolf, they discussed on how to combat the recent global issues, BlockyCube says, hes been hiding out in the Travisa Inc Facility, with DarkBlockyCube, they then decided to form a Country, The Legion Of Fallen Steel, LittleTravisaIncBlockyCube would supply them with weaponry & technology from Travisa Inc, while the others would help the Legion, & then they became medics/soldiers/etc, LittleTravisaIncBlockyCube became the Leader of the Department of Science in the Legion of Fallen Steel.

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01/18/2025 10:41 am
He/Him • Level 41 : Master Tank Commander
