Minecraft Blogs / Interview

The DoomStryker Interviews: Des/Timofey

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Level 36 : Artisan Architect Robot
Salutations, PMC Community!

Welcome to The DoomStryker Interviews Series! Our first interviewee is Timofefe!

Please do answer these in your own time! NO RUSH! :D

So, onto the questions!

1. When did you discover Minecraft? And if you can remember, what was the first thing you created?

2. Do you like space? If so, what is your favorite thing about it?

3. What is your favorite submission of mine and why? (If you have one!)

4. Out of all the things you’ve made, what’s one work you are most proud of and why?

5.Out of all the people you’ve drawn, who do you consider the most fun to draw? (You can choose more than one, no problem there!)

6. Another me question, what would you like to see me build in the future?

7. A question a lot of people ask is: who is on your sidebar?

8. What is your favorite time of day, favorite season, and favorite weather?


"1. I don't remember when i first discovered it, but it was probably because of youtuber like danTDM and Popularmmos. The first thing i remeber creating was an amusment park on a flat world, nothing too fancy. Just a roller coaster and a maze.

2. ooo, never really thought about it. I guess it's nice. All the stars are very pretty. Y'know they say skies the limit but we made it to space, just shows all the endless possibilities in our universe. It's nice :D
3. If i had to pick one it's be the overgrown street since that's our first trade! feels like it was yesterday. Though I must say i love all your builds! you're a huge inspiration for my own builds :]
4. my favorite art pieces is this and this. The first one isn't my best work but it's how i met a really cool guy named DoomStryker! It holds memories so it is one of my favorites. The second one is how i got my first subscriber SidewaysEight! They're an amazing artist so you should check them out.
5. I can't pick favorites with people's character! they're all so pretty and fun to draw xd
6. I'd love to see some more original builds with their own stories! i think that'd be cool
7. DoomStryker, Panda_Tyger, ICanGamez and Ender Sparkle in that order up to down.
8. I like when it's dark outside so night i think. I like summer and my favorite weather is fog."

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by DOOMSTRYKER 06/17/2024 2:36:13 pmJun 17th, 2024

Interview Concluded

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08/20/2024 10:16 pm
She/Her • Level 12 : Journeyman Waffle
Ender Sparkle
06/17/2024 11:51 am
She/Her • Level 47 : Master Enderdragon Loremaster
Omg this is so cool :0
Can't wait for me :)
Also you forgot to add Timofey to collaborations :p
06/17/2024 12:00 pm
He/Him • Level 36 : Artisan Architect Robot

You won't wait very long...

And gotcha! I've adjusted it accordingly.
Ender Sparkle
06/17/2024 12:02 pm
She/Her • Level 47 : Master Enderdragon Loremaster
I don't see the collab "/
I should stop picking on things that are not about me
06/17/2024 12:03 pm
He/Him • Level 36 : Artisan Architect Robot
No worries! Everyone deserves a shot at being popular! :D

I've sent an invite to collab, but Timofey isn't active right now.
Ender Sparkle
06/17/2024 12:10 pm
She/Her • Level 47 : Master Enderdragon Loremaster
Okay :D
Can you give some suggestions on that thing in your PM box?
