Minecraft Blogs / Interview

The DoomStryker Interviews: Ender Sparkle

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Level 36 : Artisan Architect Robot
Salutations, PMC Community!

Welcome to The DoomStryker Interviews Series! Our second interviewee is Ender Sparkle!

I had decided to do this with the request of Ender Sparkle for my 100 subscriber milestone!

Please do answer these in your own time! NO RUSH! :D

So, onto the questions! DM them and I will update this accordingly. :D

1. When did you discover Minecraft? And if you can remember, what was the first thing you created?

2. Do you like space? If so, what is your favorite thing about it? If not, feel free to tell me one thing you find wonderous.

3. What is your favorite submission of mine and why? (If you have one!)

4. Out of all the things you’ve made, what’s one work you are most proud of and why?

5. Your favorite memory of all time when either playing Minecraft, or watching a MC YouTuber?

6. Another me question, what would you like to see me build in the future?

7. A question a lot of people ask is: who is on your sidebar?

8. What is your favorite time of day, favorite season, and favorite weather?

Ender Sparkle answered:

1. Idk, probably 2018 when I saw some Minecraft fun fact videos by a Polish youtuber AngularPlay. I don't remember the first thing I have built, but I can share my 3 best memories in early days of my experience with this wonderful game in 4th and 5th answers :]

2. I like space. The one thing that always made me love it was alien life. The universe is too big to not have any, but with today's tech and universe expansion we can only imagine how would they look like. Bonus points if they are sentient and friendly 👽
3. Probably the skin of your persona - I don't really download maps, and about the blogs - I'm not a fan of Vivzieverse Vivziepop Hellverse (I actually found out how it's actually called from a Reddit comment), and Star Wars is cool, but it's like D&D - its universe has expanded to a point where I don't really know where to start exploring.

4. Ender Sparkle lore series. Believe it or not, this isn't actually a full self insert protagonist series - E.S. is a separate character with own thoughts and personality, though heavily linked to the actual self-insert, which will appear at the end of Season 1. Yes, I have planned 2 another seasons for this story. The concept for it in general was formed about 6 years ago, when I got a Minecraft build book as a gift. After reading it, my mind was flowing with ideas: the protagonist being Alex who turned into an ender dragon with my Minecraft username and the outfit that I really liked at that time, Professor Steve (at that time it was actual Steve that we all have played as, I later changed some concepts like Professor being a brother of the actual hero and E.S. being 100% ender dragon from beginning of her life), and of course the antagonist, Wither King. 5 years in waiting (I started writing it out on PMC a good while ago), creations of my imagination gathered throughout the year can finally be released.

5. Here are some notable memories:• Creation of my username - Everyone who was following me for quite a while knows how I am nicknamed like that: 6 years ago, I really liked My Little Pony (I still kind of like it, just less since I grew up and G4 ended), so I mixed up words "Ender Dragon" and "Twilight Sparkle" (second one is a character from the previously mentioned show)• 1.13 awaiting - I remember constantly refreshing the launcher on the release day of the update, only to be constantly disappointed with 1.12.2, until it stopped showing... One of happiest Minecraft moments I remember :>• Watching some Minecraft videos on YouTube, from creators such as AngularPlay, Gplay: Minecraft is ours! (translated channel title) and VitoMinecraft. Now they make the typical kid clickbait content, and looking back, they also did back then, but the old ones seem better for some reason. Lack of horror? Difference in trends? Ideas did not ran out yet? Idk

6. Hmm, here's a perfect chance for a request, but I can't really use it due to lack of ideas... Probably something related to Hosts from Minecraft Legends. Although they now don't seem to be as forgotten as I thought they were, I still don't see them around often.

7. I rarely use it, I put there people who either are barely active or the ones I cherish the work of most. Here is the list:-ghoul-TimofefeCloudyLeopardAvatarKagePsioPsia001And my group, The Onion Eagles

8. Hard to say, every time of the day has its own charm. Dawn feels the best if you are on higher altitudes (floors 5+ seem to be enough), day is nice if sunny (and you got my fav weather), dusk and twilight are always looking the best, and night walks with all the lamps just feel different in a pleasant way that's hard to describe. Oh, and how could I forget the moon following you in the car! From what I wrote, it seems I like darker parts of the day. And favourite season - summer. The fact that all the fun stuff happens in December will still not change my opinion.

1 Update Logs

Doom Update #1 : by DOOMSTRYKER 10/16/2024 4:30:03 pmOct 16th, 2024

Fixed a design mistake on E.S

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• 12/09/2024 1:13 pm
He/Him • Level 43 : Master Enchanter Ninja
Oh wow, I never got the notification for this mention but ay, thanks for having me on the sidebar, Ender Sparkle LMAO
Ender Sparkle
• 12/09/2024 1:50 pm
She/Her • Level 47 : Master Enderdragon Loremaster
• 10/22/2024 5:01 pm
He/Him • Level 17 : Journeyman Lemon Lemon
• 10/22/2024 5:57 pm
He/Him • Level 36 : Artisan Architect Robot
Ender Sparkle
• 10/16/2024 4:46 pm
She/Her • Level 47 : Master Enderdragon Loremaster
The Jerrysona shall forever be immortalized >:D
• 10/18/2024 10:08 pm
• Level 27 : Expert Miner
