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The Legend of Fio Death to the shadow lord (not finished yet)

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zacxblaster86's Avatar zacxblaster86
Level 12 : Journeyman Architect
if you read this story and make a video about it tell me ok


September 14, 2010

Chapter 1

The Adventure Starts

One bright and sunny day Fio was playing toss the burning ball into the lake. Just as Fio was about to make the winning score, the sky turned gray. An army of shadow knights marched up to the wall. Then one shadow knight came and said, o Your town will be under the shadow lordo s command, and if you do not obey we will have to declare war on you.o

When Fio heard this he ran to his house and pulled his ninja suit and sword. Then he tiptoed all the way to the back door. When he arrived, there were shadow knights all around him. He grabbed his sword and attacked all of the shadow knights (Boom! Pow! Ow, I want my mommy!).

The shadow knight commander declared, o Our master, the Shadow Lord, will get you for this!o

o I dono t care,o Fio laughed. o Heo s probably as weak as the rest of you!o

Fio slowly walked all the way home. When he got home, he decided to go on a quest to defeat the shadow lord and save the world. He collected up all the food, water, weapons, and tools that he could pack. Then he loaded up his giant red lizard, whose name was Flame. At that moment, he realized that he did not know how to go about finding the Shadow Lord. Suddenly Fio remembered his father telling him about the familyo s ancient trunk, stored in the attic. o This trunk will always contain everything that you need,o his father, who had been a trained assassin, had told him. Fio quickly ran up to the attic and opened the dusty old trunk that his father had left him. Inside was a map that showed the entire world. o Io m definitely going to need this,o Fio thought to himself. He also decided to take a old, dusty pair of shoes that sent a jolt through his fingers when he touched them. As he dropped them, he thought he saw the shadow of his father on the wall. Soon, he was all packed and ready to set out. Just as he was wondering which way to go, he noticed the map glow in a burst of light! When the light died down, there was an arrow pointing to the forest of tall tall trees. Fio said aloud, o I think thato s where I should go first. Come on, Flame, to the tall tall trees we go.o

As Fio and Flame approached the forest, he thought to himself, o Hey, those trees dono t look very tall.o

When they got a bit closer, Fio could see that many of the trees were cut clean through. o Leto s follow this trail,o Fio said.

They walked along for a while when Fio suddenly said, o I think I see someone.o Fio ran up to the person, who had huge pointy ears and dingy brown skin.

o Hey, you--stop cutting down the . . .o Fio stuttered. o You . . . youo re a goblin!o he gaped.o The goblin replied, o I want to feel like Io m tall. Thato s why Io m cutting down all these trees!o

o Youo re chopping down the trees because you want to feel like youo re a giant?o

o Yup,o confirmed the goblin. o Besides, thereo s nothing else to do. No one wants to be friends with a goblin.o

Fio thought for a minute and then offered, o Hey, I know! Come with me on my quest, goblin. Whato s your name, anyway?o

o Ito s G.B.,o replied the goblin. o And sure Io ll come with you. Anythingo s better than hanging around here! So which way will we go? North, south, east, or west?o

Fio consulted his magical map and said, o Weo ll go north to the Green Field.o

o Why go there? No oneo s allowed in,o said G.B.

o I know, but this map always shows where a person should go next.o

o Thato s amazing! Io ve never heard of a map that can do that. Howo d you get it?o asked the goblin excitedly.

o It was my fathero s. He left it to me,o explained Fio.

o Well, enough chit-chat!o said G.B. o Leto s get going.o

o Good idea,o agreed Fio.

Chapter 2

The Escape Plan

o Fio, how much longer till we get to the Green Field?o asked GB.

Fio replied, o My map says ten minutes.o

Ten minutes later the Green Field came into view.

o Do you see anything?o asked Fio, as the goblin was seated further up Flameo s neck and had a better view.

GB exclaimed, o I see a guard!o

o Leto s go talk to him, and if he doesno t let us through you can jump on him.o

o Got it,o agreed GB.

Dismounting off of Flame, the two traveling companions walked the remaining distance.

o Who goes there?o demanded the guard

o Io m Commander John,o lied Fio

The guard eyed Fio suspiciously. o Io ve never head of any Commander John,o said the guard slowly, looking Fio up and down. Fio knew he was in trouble.

o GB! NOW!!o yelled Fio. Immediately, the goblin tackled the surprised guard to the ground and wrapped his lanky goblin arms around the guard in full nelson. Fio quickly pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket and gagged the angry guard. The guard struggled mightily to escape but Fio and GB tied him up and left Flame to keep an eye on him.

The two adventurers ran through the entrance, wondering what they were supposed to do next. Suddenly, Fio spied a tall, blonde-haired girl sitting on a rock.

o Hey, who's that girl over there? Io m gonna talk to her, okay?o said Fio to GB.

The mysterious girl seemed unsurprised by Fioo s appearance, and asked, o Who are you?o

Fio said, o Io m Fio. Whato s your name?o

The mysterious girl replied, o Nice to meet you Fio. Io m Aeon. What are you doing here and where are you from?o

Fio said, o Io m from the town of mashe,o Feon said.

o Thato s far away. Are you on a quest?o Feon asked, looking at Fioo s fire-colored ninja suit.

o Yes,o confirmed Fio, o Io m going to defeat the Shadow Lord!o

Feon said, o Can I come with you? Io ve always wanted to go on an adventure.o

Fio said, o Okay, we already took care of the guard. Leto s go!o

o Oh, but there are more guard than just one!o

o So how are we going to get you out of here past the guards?o said, o Thato s easy. All you have to do is to sneak back out and then come here in a disguised as my escort home. Then they wono t realize that Io ve escaped so wono t they come after us.o

Fio said, o That sounds like a good idea!o

So Fio and Feon carried out the plan and it worked. Once they were away from the Green Field, Fio checked his map. o It looks like we need to get a boat at the docks so we can sail across the Nameless Sea. After that weo ll head toward the River of Peace.o

GB grumbled, o Now that Feon has taken my place on Flame, I guess Io m gonna have to walk all the way to the docks. Youo re gonna make a little guy walk halfway across an island?!o

Fio suggested, o Leto s take it in turns.o And off they went.

Chapter 3

shadow knight at the dock o Hey Fio, are we there yet?o asked GB.

The dock came into view. Fio replied, o Yes, I see the dock, and thereo s a boat. Look, thereo s a bunch of fishermen. Leto s ask them if we can hitch a ride to the Mystical Valley. Then we can go to the River of Peace.o

Fio and his friends ran to the fishermen, who asked, o Who are you?o

Fio replied, o I am Fio, this is GB, and the beautiful lady sitting on Flam (the giant lizard) is...o

o trouble,o interrupted GB grouchily. o And who are you?o

The fisherman said, o My name is Bob, this is Nick, and--hey, whereo s Philip?o

Nick shouted, o Heo s in the boat, and heo s going without us!o

o Flam! Leto s get him!o yelled Fio.

Flam jumped over the water and onto the boat. Fio dismounted and approached Philip, who immediately pulled out a sword.Fio unsheathed his own sword and said, o Give it your best shot!o

At that moment, Philip transformed into a Shadow Knight and said in a deep voice o some one you know will betray youo . Then the two warriors fought until the sun set. Suddenly and without explanation, the shadow knight disappeared. Fio picked up the shadow knighto s sword and read the inscription:

Lives when the sun rises

Dies when the sun sets

On the day of the great shadow

We will become immortals

Fio pondered this for a moment. o Hmm... o the day of the great shadow.o That must mean on a solar eclipse the Shadow Knights.....they will become unstoppable. Weo ve got to hurry!o

Fio ran to to the steering wheel and turned the ship around.

Later Fio told his friends about everything except the betrayal. When Fio entered the captaino s quarters in the boat, he opened the door and there was Phillip, tied up. Fio untied him and asked him some questions After Phillip answered them all, Fio took Phillip to see his friends. Then they set sail across the Sunrise Sea on the Yogow. After sailing across the sea for two days, Nick yelled, o I see something!o Then, out of nowhere, a giant shadow of a ship appeared. From it a wooden board fell onto the Yogow Fio grabbed his sword as he walked to it. A man in a gold suit of armor and approached. Fio asked him, o What do you want sir? We have nothing to interest such a fine knight as yourself.o

o Youo re from the island northwest of here, judging by how you dress,o casually replied the knight. o Ah, what do we have here? A goblin and a very cute girl! My name is Sir Genwen I patrol the Sunrise Sea to rid it of sea monsters,o said sir Genwen, while he secretly thought to himself, o Could these people be reinforcements for the Walls of Safty?I must stop them from getting there!o

Suddenly, Sir Genwen tuned to his men and announced, o Men, we will destroy this ship for the great Shadow Lord!o

Instantly all the soldiers flashed red and transformed into dry bone.The bone warriors went to their places . Immediately, two cannon balls shot out of the ship and landed near the Yogow. Fio ran to Bob, asking him, o Does this ship have any cannons!?!o

Screaming in fear, Bob replied,o Yes but there is only one. Why do you need it?o

Rubbing his eyes, Fio took Bob to the deck as a cannon ball flew past Bobo s head. o Okay,I see why you need it!o Bob remarked, while frozen with shock.

Then he quickly took Fio to the cannon. Aiming at Sir Genweno s ship, Fio noticed a little boat with people climbing up the side of Sir Genweno s ship. They were knocking the bone warriors into the water. Fio ran to Bob, telling him to sail closer to Sir Genweno s ship to see what was going on.They saw that the people were thieves looking for gold and jewels.Then the thieves threw grappling hooks on to the Yogow. Fio tried to cut through the thick rope. Bob on the other hand, just threw the grappling hooks back into the water. The thieves stole Sir Genweno s ship, while the dry bone warriors sank to the bottom of the sea.

After the long night of red flashes thieves, bone warriors, cannon balls, and all the other stuff, Fio and his crew were finally able to set sail for the Mysterious Valley. o Land ho!!o yelled Nick.

Then Fio yelled to Phillip on the other side of the Yogow o Drop the anchor!o

Phillip dropped the anchor and then Fio said to Bob,o Me, Feon, and GB will take the row.o

Bob interrupted, o Me, Phillip, and Nick are coming with you.We want to explore the world and we can help you on your mission.o

o You can come along; we might need your help later on in our mission,o Fio agreed. After a couple of hours, Fio and his friends got to the dock and found a market. o This isno t on the map,o said Fio, when suddenly the market appeared on the map. Fio was amazed! They decided to go shopping at the market. Fio gave GB four silver coins. GB immediately ran to the pudding store and bought 68 bowls of pudding. While replenishing their supplies, Fio asked the shopkeeper, o Why is there a market here?o

The man replied, o Everyone is waiting for a ship to take us to the Walls of Safty.o

Fio thought to himself, o The fishermen on our boat could take these people to the Walls of Safty while we go through the Mysterious Valley. Later on, we can all meet up at the Walls of Safty.o

Fio told his friends his idea and the fishermen agreed.Then Fio, GB, and Feon journeyed to the Mysterious Valley. Fio cautioned, o Expect the unexpected.o Chapter 4

The unexpected has arrived


o Is everyone all right?o asked Fio, as he turned his head to the left and noticed that GB wasno t on Flamo s back anymore.

o What happened to DG?o asked Feon.

o Ito s GB, and I dono t know! But we have to find him quick. Is he somewhere in the fog?o said Fio. GB suddenly found himself in a cave. He could barely see anything. He heard a voice saying, o Is anybody there?o

Shivering in fear and confusion, GB gripped the handle of his sword and replied, o Who are you?o

o Io m Bilddrud, the mighty dragon. I was imprisoned in this maze so long ago I cano t even remember who did it. Can you help me?o

GB thought that there was probably a good reason why the dragon had been imprisoned. o But if I dono t help him, Io ll be his dinner,o he thought to himself.

Aloud he said, o Okay, Io ll help you. I think we should go right.o

GB and Bilddrud began wandering through the underground tunnels. It was totally dark until GB lit a small torch he always carried with him. All of a sudden, something shattered.

o Leto s take a look,o said GB.

GB and Bilddrud made their way toward the sound. They saw a purple man.

o Who are you? What are you? How did you get here? Do you know the way out?o GB and Bilddrud frantically questioned the strange man.

The purple man said, o My name is Hekota. I am a Primevillien, and I made this cave maze, so of course I know the way out. But winter came rather suddenly and now Io m stuck in the ice.o

o I thought Primevillieno s were extinct?o wondered GB.

o There are only a few of us left,o replied the purple man.

o Well, leto s make a deal. Weo ll get you out of the ice if you get us out of this cave,o offered GB.

o Agreed,o nodded the purple man. o However, I need my magic axe. It has an inscription on it, which is the only way to escape the maze. Unfortunately, I seem to have forgotten where I hid it.o

Bilddrud quickly melted the ice, and they started the search for the axe. It took them 8 days to find the axe!

Hekota read the inscription aloud:

The way to freedom is hard You see .you must plunge this axe Into the soul of a sphinx.

Hekota called, o O great protector, I summon thee to battle me!o

Suddenly, a dark cloud appeared. When the smoke rippled away, a giant sphinx was standing in their midst.

Hekota brandished his magic axe; the sphinx charged. The two battled for two days and three nights. Finally, the sphinx fell to the ground with the axe in its chest. Immediately, the ground shook. Light broke through the ceiling. GB, Bilddrud and Hekota were standing in a cornfield.

o What just happened? One minute ago we were in a cave, and now weo re here. How did that happen?!o exclaimed GB.

o GB is that you? I haveno t seen you in ten days!o said Fio. o Weo ve been searching for you all over the valley. We were getting ready to give up on you; in fact we started breaking camp this morning.o

Fio, GB, Feon, Flame, Bilddrud and Hekota all sat down and talked about what they had done for the last ten days. Then they all went back to the camp and hit the hay.

The next day Fio looked at his map. He said, o The map says we should go to the Lone Island to find the Master Gem Sword.o

o But I thought the gem sword was a legend, an old fairy tale, a myth! Besides, the stories say it was broken in its final battle,o said GB in shock.

o Thato s what I thought too, but the map says we should go,o Fio said.

Hekota interjected, o Whato s up with your map? Why do you follow what it says?o

Fio explained, o This map was given to me by my father. It is an ancient map with magical properties. It always leads the user in the right direction. Would you guys like to accompany us on our quest to slay the Shadow Lord?o

Hekota and Bilddrud agreed to journey with them. Then Fio and his friends got on Bilddrud, who flew over the ocean in search of the Lone Island to find the master gem sword. Chapter 5


Fio and his friends searched for the Lone Island for three days.Finally they found the Lone Island. Fio asked Bilddrud, o Could you land down there? Ito s the first island weo ve seen for days. Maybe ito s the Lone Island.o

Bilddrud curled in his wings and grabbed his friends off his back. Then he curled into a ball and headed to the ocean. Splash! Right into the ocean. He quickly popped right up to the surface of the ocean and uncurled himself, saying, o I hope this is the island. I need a nap.o Then he

yawned, closed his eyes, and fell asleep. They looked all over the island. Fio was about to give up and then clank! o What was that?!o exclaimed Fio.

Fio retraced his steps. Clank! There it was again. He pulled out his sword, raised it over his head, and stabbed it into the ground. Then he pulled it out. There was a rumble, and a big lump of grass lifted off the ground! Under the big lump of grass there was a cave!

o It looks like a cave. Do you think we should explore it?o asked GB.

o I think we should explore. It may lead to the master gem sword,o said Fio.

Everyone except Bilddrud, who was too big, went into the cave. Fio was first, then Hekota, then GB, then Feon, and finally Flame. They walked for a while until they came upon some stairs. When they got to the bottom of the stairs, they saw a stone table. On it were two broken swords. Fio took one step forward, and then light broke through the cave ceiling. The light shone on a scroll, which read:

The dawn flowers will show the way

To a forgotten temple far away

When dawn breaks on the day of the greedy moon fit each sword in its room

then the master sword shall show ito s self to you.

o In time ? How long do you think that is?o asked Fio in confusion.

o Grab the scroll and the Master Gem Sword and leto s get out of here. Weo ve spent too much time in this cave,o said Hekota.

o But I dono t know which one is the real one,o Fio said,frustrated.

o Well then, take both of them,o said Hekota.

Suddenly a tiny taco-shaped person bounced into view and said, o I would not do that if I were you. If you get the wrong one, you will disintegrate! now i think i should introduce myself. My name is Mr.. Io m the guardian of the sword.o

o Does anybody else see a talking taco?o asked G.B incredulously.

o I dono t believe it! Ito s a talking taco!o exclaimed Feon.

o I wasno t always a taco,o said Mr.Taco, indignantly. o I was a great warrior, and I even managed to imprison the Shadow Lord a thousand years ago. But unfortunately, he escaped and cursed me with this shape.o

o A thousand years ago! How could anyone live that long?o asked Feon, o The Master Gem Sword gives eternal life to the one who guards it. Being stuck in this shape, I offered to guard it since I cano t live a normal life. But Io ve learned a trick or two over the years. The only reason Io m helping you is because you are the chosen one in the cave painting. Look right over there.o

o Does that look like me?o asked Fio, scrutinizing a large painting showing a wierd man.o Not that one, the other one,o said Mr.Taco, pointing to the painting right next to it. o Ito s kind of small,o said Fio, examining the painting closely.

Mr.Taco explained, o The Shadow Lord escaped his prison early and I knew the day would come when we would need a hero so I drew this up. I know ito s not much, but ito s the best I could do. I think you are that true hero because my sources have told me of your good deeds.o

o Um, we need to know which sword is the real one o cause we have a long journey ahead,o said Hekota.

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