This Blog is an entry in the completed LEGO Minecraft Cave Hanger Contest.

Minecraft Blogs / Story

The Missing Pickaxe

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Level 46 : Master Architect
Steve was calmly mining the ore, not noticing the approaching zombie and spider.
They came too close to Steve and he stopped mining, but continued when he heard nothing else.
When they came even closer, Steve thought he heard something again, and stopped for the second time.
He heard nothing this time too. "Déjà vu." he thought. Steve swung his pickaxe back to continue to mining the ore, but when he swung to the ore, the pickaxe was gone, making Steve confused. The pickaxe was stuck in the head of the zombie sneaking behind him. The spider, who noticed that Steve was confused, saw his opportunity, and attacked Steve. Steve got hit, and saw the spider. He searched his pockets, but he only found though luck: he had no sword. He decided fleeing was the only option, and started running towards the place where the ladder used to be. While he was doing that, the spider and zombie chased him. The zombie was taking damage from the pickaxe that was stuck in his head, and died. Steve's pickaxe fell on the floor, leaving a hole behind that lead to a lava lake. The spider fell in that hole, and died from the lava. Steve, wondering where his ladder went, had no items with him, so he realised he had one option: dig the wall with his bare hands to make a way up. "That'll hurt..." he thought.

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