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~The Survivors of Minecraftia~ Chapter 3

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15peacedog15's Avatar 15peacedog15
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
~The Survivors of Minecraftia~

Chapter 3: Into a New World

The three of them landed onto a grass block. Grace looked around, and then thought to herself, Everything is made of cubes. This is really interesting. She shakily stood up, still recovering from the shock of being sucked through a portal from her computer screen and teleported to the video game dimension of Minecraft. The blocks are all pixilated tooo ¦ This is actually a quite clever video game. Grace brushed herself off and scanned the horizon for her brothers. Her green eyes settled down on a hoard of zombies, attacking Tommy and Sam. o NO! GUYS! OH MY GOSH Io LL TRY TO GET SOMETHING, JUST WAIT!o Grace panicked and swiveled around, looking for any potential weapons. No, this cano t be happening! How do I get wood? What do I do? Just then, she saw her beloved brothers vanish into the air.

She stared in horror. o SAM! TOMMY! NO!o Grace began to shake uncontrollably. Across the somewhat flat land, the crowd of ugly green, blockish figures with pieces of their flesh missing turning slower than a deranged person in a horror movie. The zombies continued to look around until their horrid eyes landed on Grace.

Still frozen in place, she meekly said to the zombies, o Uho ¦ Can I- Uh can I help you?o They all looked at each other, and nodded as if they made a silent agreement. Suddenly, they came running towards her.

o AH! HELP ME! SOMEONE!o Grace shrieked as the mob was coming closer, circling around her. She tried backing up, but ended up failing as she tripped over a chicken. All she could do was sit there, trembling and hugging her knees as they came closer.

Then, a miracle happened. Out of nowhere, another figure started sprinting towards the zombies at full speed. o DIE, YOU HORRID MUTATNT PEOPLE! TASTE MY BLADEEEEEE!o It swung out a dazzling blue sword that was glimmering with a purple substance. The sword itself seemed magical in the moonlight. After Grace noted the sword, she looked at the figureo s body. The body, too, was clad in what seemed to be armor. The armor was also made out of the blue stuff and shined with that faint purple glow.

The person then swung his/her sword at the zombies. A couple of them fell to the ground, and the mob turned its attention onto the person who was saving Graceo s life. It did a little jig, avoiding the zombieo s sluggish punches with a determination that seemed to affect the area surrounding her/him. Grace couldno t bear to continue watching the zombies being slaughtered. The sight of all that gore made her sick to her stomach.

A few seconds later, Grace lifted her head gingerly. Where did all the zombies go? After her brain registered that they died, the figure that saved her was standing in front of her. o Hey.o Thato s a guy? She looked at the figure, and he put his arm out. He uncurled his clenched fist, and stood there awkwardly. Grace then realized he was offering to help her up, and somewhat cautiously accepted the gesture. He pulled her off the ground, but Grace wobbled and started to fall back again. The mysterious person caught her in his arms, and put her firmly onto the dirt. o Oh. Umo ¦ Thanks?o Grace stuttered nervously. o Uh. No problem. Youo re a girl? How did you get here?o he asked curiously. Not hearing what he said, Grace stuck out her hand and said, o Hi. My nameo s Grace. Thanks for saving me out thereo she said shyly. o Oh, hey Grace. My nameo s Danny.o Jake tried to say it in a strong voice, but something told Grace that he was also shy.

o So, where did you come from?o asked Danny. o Wello ¦ This might sound a tad crazy- wait, no; a LOT crazy- Is that how you say it? Io m confusedo ¦ Anyway, my brothers and I fell though out computer screens and ended up here. They um, died. Yeah. From the zombie attack.o
o Ah, I see. Io m sorry to hear that. Io ll take you to my house, and if you want Io ll tell you my story. You just might be surprisedo ¦o
CreditFriends, subs, and viewers for inspiring me. :3

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10/04/2012 5:57 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
imnotahater's Avatar
O-o next one plzzz ?
10/12/2012 7:14 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
15peacedog15's Avatar
Heheh. I'll try to upload one after school today. :3
09/21/2012 4:30 pm
Level 28 : Expert Unicorn
crazeygrl's Avatar
"My name's Danny." Jake tried to...
09/22/2012 12:48 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
15peacedog15's Avatar
Whoops. Microsoft Word always messes something up with anything else I write >.<
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