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~The Survivors of Minecraftia~ Chapter 4

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15peacedog15's Avatar 15peacedog15
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
~The Survivors of Minecraftia~

Chapter 4: Dannyo s Story

The two of them walked on. Strangely, as they looked around, there were no horrendous monsters to be seen. Grace then continued thinking, listening to hers and Dannyo s feet thud the soft grass around them. Should I really be accepting his invitation to his house? What if something bad happens? She looked at Danny, sizing him up. Hmmo ¦ He doesno t really look like a harmful person. Nor does he look like a punk. Ew. Punks. Only then, when she looked at Danny, did she notice what he looked like. He had a somewhat tallish figure, and not too long, but not too short, legs. Under his armor, he was wearing a pair of worn-out jeans, an Avengers t-shirt, and a bracelet. When she looked closely, she saw that the bracelet was made of some copper wire, weaved into an intricate braid.

Grace then looked at his head. Right now, in the darkness of the night, she could only make out his hair. It stuck out a bit, but not so much that he had the appearance of a person who had been shocked. He actually looks kinda cute.

o What? Do I have something on my nose?o asked Danny when he saw that Grace was looking at him intently. o Huh? Oh, no; I just thought that you- Never mindo ¦o She looked down at her feet, trying to hide her blush. Ah, wait, who am I kidding? Ito s nighttime; he cano t see my face. Grace continued to look straight down.

Not too much later, they reached a medium-sized house. It was still under construction, for he was adding more rooms. o Cool place. How long did it take you to do this?o

o Oh, not much. Just maybe thirty minutes?o

o That quickly?! Geez, you must be an architect or something. Either that or you were hyper.o

Danny chuckled. His laugh is kinda cute, tooo ¦ Gosh, what am I thinking? He opened the door for Grace. o Ah. Thanks Dannyo ¦?o

o Fenton. Danny Fenton.o He smiled.

Grace just stood there and gaped at him. o Youo re kidding, right?o

o Nope. Ito s seriously Danny Fenton.o

o Wow, dude. Youo re really lucky.o

o Wait, youo re telling me you watch-o

Grace gave a shy little grin, and put her hair behind her ear. o Yeah. I still watch Danny Phantom once in awhile. I know. Fourteen year olds shouldno t watch old kiddie shows.o

o Hey, now, I think ito s actually cool that you watch it. My dad knew Guy Moon.o Danny gave off a smile, too.

o Lucky!o Grace walked inside. The house was even more beautiful on the inside. The walls had beautiful paintings all around the house, a kitchen, a cozy fireplace, and what seemed to be couches.

o You can look around. Io ll show you to the room; I only have one for now.o

Danny led her to the room. It was pretty big, and had lots of furniture. The floor was made of multicolored wool, making a dance floor. She sat on the floor, and asked Danny o So, tell me how you ended up in Minecraft. You did say it was in interesting story, right?o

o Sure, but you probably already know. I came in the same way as you did.o

Grace gaped at Danny with wonder and awe. o Really? So my brothers and I areno t the only people here besides you that came from Earth?o

o Yeah. I guess so. Well, I was at my momo s apartment for the weekend- my parents are divorced- when my friend texted me about this bug he created. I wasno t sure what he meant; heo s a bit off. So I went onto my laptop and installed the so-called bug. After waiting for it to finish sending, I decided to catch up on building my redstone contraption, which I was creating to make an automatic XP grinder. But, instead of opening up the redstone world, I got this strange sucking sensation inside my stomach. Next, before I knew it, I was in the game. I was here for a couple of Minecraft days, which would probably be about three hours in the real world.o

o That is actually quite cool. Do you think youro ¦ o buddyo distributed the bug, or whatever it was to other people?o

o Yes. Thato s my theory. Here, you can sleep on the bed; Io ll go out and get some wood to make another one. Go to sleep, Io ll be back soon. I promise..?o

o Grace. Grace Hecox.o

o Just like Smosh, huh?o

o Heh. Yeah.o

Danny left the room, but took one last glance at her. He took in her build, perfect from running nearly every day. He smiled at her hair, which seemed to disagree with the law of gravity.

o Go nite Fentono ¦ If youo re still hereo ¦o Grace murmured softly s she drifted off to sleep peacefully.

Dan stared at Gracie for a second longer before continuing to get wood.

A couple hours later, Grace awoke to the sun shining and the delicious smell of cake.

o Oh, youo re awake. Here, eat some cake. Youo ll need it if you want to keep up your energy.o She got up from bed and yawned before strolling into the kitchen to eat.

o I found something this morningo said Danny with a skeptical voice. He then took out of his pocket something that did not belong in the world of Minecraft.

There, sitting in his palms, was what seemed to be his iPhone.

Wait- if he has ito ¦ Grace slowly reached into her back pocket. She pulled out her hand as slowly as a jaguar would be before pouncing to seize his prey with its beautiful, sleek, black paws.

No way. Ito s-

o My iPod! And my Skull candy headphones!o She quickly opened up her iTunes library, checking to see if her songs were still intact. She clicked on a random song, and it started playing o Numbo by Linkin Park. Grace started singing along, and was stunned to hear Dannyo s voice carrying the tune perfectly, making no errors, his soft voice at the perfect pitch, and the lyrics amazingly perfect and on time.

When the song ended, Grace just stood there, motionless. o Wow. Dannyo ¦ that was amazingo was all she said, in a voice much too gentle for anyone but Dan to hear. o Thanks I guess. Ito s really nothing thougho ¦o As he said that, Grace saw that he was blushing. She continued to play more songs, testing his knowledge on music. They each took turns, until their tea got cold. (Dono t ask me about tea in Minecrafto ¦) Danny played songs like o Good Timeo by Owl City, o Feel Good Inco by Gorillaz, and a couple of songs by the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Grace, however, played a large variety of songs, such as songs by deadmau5, Skrillex, and Green Day.

o Hey, ito s already night time again. The time went by quickly, just playing songso stated Dan. Grace looked out the tall window in the kitchen, and saw that what he said was true. o Oh, I set up a room for you. I know you like lime green, so I put down green wool your flooring. I hope you like ito said Danny with a sincere smile on his face. o Thanks. Io ll see you tomorrow?o questions Gracie. o Yep. See you, Grace.o

Grace walked across the kitchen floor, into the living room, into the birch wood hallway, and into her new bedroom. When she opened the door, she took a quick deep breath and stared at her room. This is beautiful. I didno t know guys could be like thiso ¦ The room had lime green flooring, and a high ceiling made of oak wood. She noticed the walls were also made of sturdy wood. There was a bedside table, a redstone lamp, a double bed, and a closet. The walls had paintings, and she sat on the bed carefully, as if she were sitting on a sleeping giant with a terrible temper. Gracie closed her eyes and sniffed the air, like a wolf would. She detected the fragrance of lavender and fresh grass, along with the smell of an overworked Danny Fenton. She got up from the bed and looked into her closet. Surprisingly, she saw that she had her clothes from home and new, fresh pieces of clothing. Grace reached for the top shelf. Is it still there? Her heart started beating faster when she saw the picture. Unlike the paintings in her new room, her picture from home was not pixilated. Grace choked back a sob when she saw her fathero s face on it. His hair was sticking up in all directions, a rich black, and had a streak of grey across the back. Her old dog, Maybelline the Labrador retriever was smiling happily at the camera. Her dad had the sweetest smile she had ever seen on anyoneo s face, and was holding a younger and chubbier Grace. On it said in a scrawled note, To my Grace-grace. I will always love you. Xoxo, your dad, Kevin. She put her head in her hands and tried to prevent the stinging of long held back tears from streaming down her face. This usually worked for her, but this time it failed badly. Grace sat in her bed, sobbing tears of pain for her dad.

Meanwhile, in Dannyo s room, he was examining his room. His floor was made of blue wool, and had glowstone in the ceiling. He sighed and thought of his family back home. It was completely broken, but he was strong enough to go without them. He thought of the recent happenings in world of Minecraft. He had somehow installed the bug for Minecraft, clicked on it, and disappeared of the face of Earth into a familiar dimension known as Minecraft. Of course, since he had played every day for the past two years, he knew what to do. Get food, build shelter, and live. Not only did he succeed in doing so, he had a new friend, who was known as Grace. Sheo s nice. I have everything I need here. No broken life, no abusive brothers, nothing like thato ¦ Thousands of thoughts ran though his mind, until he bolted upright in bed. Whato s that weeping noise? It sounds like someoneo s cryingo ¦ Danny got up and hurriedly scurried to Graceo s bedroom. Is sheo ¦ crying? Dan was stunned. He hadno t seen or heard a girl cry, not since their parentso divorce three years ago. He peeked into the room, and noted that the sobbing was coming from Grace. Dan saw that she was holding a picture in her hand.

Dan stepped into the room. o Grace? Are you okay?o he whispered softly.

o Ito so ¦ It- I- Ito s nothing. Just-o Grace continued to sob in the pale light of the redstone lamp on her bedside table.

Danny sat next to her on the bed and patted her soothingly on the back. o Grace?o

o He died. My father committed suicide just after his doctor tried to overdose him on drugs. Io m the only person who knows, because I overheard the stupid and careless monsters clothed in the white robes at the hospital. I never told anyone.o

He took a deep breath and considered telling her his story. o I know how you feel. I haveno t cried for seven years straight. I just shut down after my mom filed for divorce. She had an affair. My father doesno t know, but my brothers do and abuse me for knowing. Ito s hurtful.o

Grace then looked up at Dano s face. She looked at his soft face, and looked at his eyes, which seemed to be hazel in the glow of the light. She saw that he had done an excellent job of hiding his emotions and pain, but she knew sooner or later he was going to break down and let it all loose.

Then, Grace hugged him. Dan was surprised to see this happen, but decided to hug her back after a moment of slight shock. Grace fell asleep on his shoulder, and he breathed in the smell of forest and fatigue. He put her to bed, and proceeded to walk to his room.

An hour later, he was playing Enchanted by Taylor Swift on his headphones.

o I was soo ¦ Enchanted to meet you.o He took a deep breath in whispered to himself, o Grace, I was soo ¦ enchanted to meet you.o

He fell into a dreamless sleep.
CreditMy friends for helping me revise and edit these stories :D Especially my subs for liking 'em all :3

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11/10/2012 2:55 pm
Level 28 : Expert Unicorn
crazeygrl's Avatar
References I get! Yay!
11/20/2012 8:21 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
15peacedog15's Avatar
xD Thanks for showing support in these stories!
11/10/2012 9:54 am
Level 22 : Expert Archer
Kittenslover124's Avatar
Every story gets better and better
11/10/2012 1:14 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Dragon
Yuki3's Avatar
OMG finally YAY! XD
11/10/2012 1:17 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
15peacedog15's Avatar
Chu like it? :3
11/10/2012 1:25 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Dragon
Yuki3's Avatar
YESH :D very much so, my friend. I love it! XD
11/10/2012 1:26 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
15peacedog15's Avatar
YAY :D I'm glad you do xD
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