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The Trendizer's Defeat

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Level 54 : Grandmaster Blacksmith Enchanter
The episode starts with Allen Gram De Dains watching Mythia Sculks's reality TV show "Live Your Childhood Dream" on her smartphone. However, Mythia begins suffering from a nightmare of her dad cutting down all of her trees. She then switches to Kea Rosei reporting on the emergence of the trendlized villains. Allen puts his phone down,, takes Vicki Sculks's laptop, gets on his bicycle and rides to the Sculks mansion.

Bug Noire starts the fight with Monarch in the kitchen.

Meanwhile, Bugstar battles Monarch, the former comments that whatever happens, that it's the end this time, as the latter comments about how She should've known that Felix Sculks was Starkid all along and how he nearly Trendized him BugStar summons a Lucky Star grand piano to crush Monarch, then sends her flying through the mansion with his staff, before creating another Lucky Star/Charm in the form of handcuffs.

Around the Liberty, as civilians turn into the Miraculized, DarkBlockyCube fights off his friends while the Resistance try to restrain him. Nelson tackles him down, allowing Alex to grab DarkBlocky's ring and destroy it. Blocky returns to normal and panics over his nightmare of Nelson leaving for polar bears before he and the others calm him down with a hug.

Back at the Sculks mansion, BugStar cuffs Monarch, stating that he take back all the Aqua Bracelets, freeing the Oblingings and everything else She stole from him, but Monarch continuously uses Protection to protect the rings and Sting to paralyze him. Though eventually, Starbug successfully Starisms the shield and takes the Aqua Turtle Bracelet, but worries when Shellz doesn't come out of it. Monarch, coughing up black ash, reveals that the Oblinings are trapped in her lair, claiming that She re-invented their magic, and intends to reconfigure the whole world upon accumulating the Ultimate Miraculous Absolute Power. She then tries to attack him from above using Teleportz, but Starbug dodges, and summons a Lucky Star baker's pan to knock back Monarch.

Back at the mansion, Monarch uses Sting and Teleportz against StarBug, but the latter quickly avades her surprise attack and sends her flying once again. Tying her with his Yo-yo, he repeats a phrase that She once told Obin Lee, "life is like fashion and that people only have the illusion of choice", leaving Monarch shocked at how he knows her identity. Unbeknownst to her, Allen told Marinette the truth of her true identity. StarBug claims its luck, and attempts to use Starism on the Trend Bracelet, but he uses Resistance to nullify it destroying the Resistance shield entirely & badly injuring & almost killing Monarch, StarBug Starisms on the ground, sending them both into the Basement.

The Resistance evade a trendlized mob in the subway, but are eventually cornered, until Emilie reunites with her Twin Sister Amelie Sculks and asks about how did She learned to fight; Amelie states that it's a long story, with Amelie Gram De Dains adding that the reunion will have to wait. more Trendlized teleport to attack them. Alya worringly asks where Ladybug is.

In the Basement, Monarch commands Starbug to surrender his Aqua Bracelets, so he can make his wish, revealing Aloin's coffin as he explains his goal to waken her Son, while Felix himself and Emilie & Amelie Sculks become his new world's eternal icons. A shocked Starbug calls Monarch insane as She does not care how many lives She has to take away to reawaken Aloin and cure the fatal injury that Starbug aka Starkid himself Was forced to inflicted on her.

as Starbug and Monarch fight, they argue over Felix himself aka Starbug & Emilie & Amelie Sculks, their whole life, coping with the loss of their father, and how long Vicki has constantly isolated them from the real world to the point of using them as an excuse to justify his madness.. Outside the mansion, Allen uses Vicki's laptop to hack into the mansion security and enters, witnessing the fight in the basement

As Monarch insists on wanting Felix to be happy, Starbug summons another Lucky Star in the form of piece of glue while devising a plan to force Monarch on the defensive; by gluing a boomerang and launching it at Allen's coffin. Monarch teleports to grab it, but it gets stuck to her hand, allowing Starbug to steal half of her rings with his yo-yo, This causes Monarch to get enraged and use her Trendz to slit Starbug's costume and mask. She is about to destroy Starbug with a blast but Obin Lee takes the hit instead to save Starbug. Monarch lifts Starbugup but the hero's slit mask causes her to realize that Starbug is her OWN GRANDSON, much to her shock and horror. She ceases the chaos and renounces the Aqua Trend Bracelet in the process along with all of the other Aqua Bracelets & drops them all onto the ground, thus revealing herself much to Felix's and Obin's shock aloing with the entire world's shock, Vicki breaks down as She realizes the chaos She caused, and that She almost murdered her own grandson. Felix sadly asks her why She committed all these crimes. Vicki explains why She tried everything to bring Aloin back with the Aqua Bracelets but now realizes that She lost herself and that love is stronger than death. Felix forgives his grandmother and they both share a loving hug which also releases the Black op Earrings back to Obin, who uses her power to restore Urkes back, leaving Vicki to be arrested offscreen, Starkid & Darkbug give a public statement about Monarch's defeat, & that Aloin had been transported to the afterlife via Aqua Bracelet Magic.

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