Minecraft Blogs / Story

The true origin of Endermen

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Level 31 : Artisan Taco
This story has been recovered from a torn leather bag, please note that this article is written and posted first-hand, therefor grammatical and spelling errors may occur, and that parts of the story may be damaged in such a bad degree that the text was unrecoverable. here follows a report from a miner who died in a mineshaft.

Third annual moon, day 23.
I have seen the number of slender creatures increase fast over the last weeks i have been assigned this post. They seem to move everything they see, however they aren't interested in living creatures. I dare not look straight at them, for i heard terrifying stories about those who did. The Slender creatures seem to trek in a quite general direction, not a precice direction, but general, like birds flying to the south. I am waiting to see if this is a coincidence, or if they really are moving to a certain place.

Third annual moon, day 24
They are moving to the north east. i snuck up onto a hill and what i saw completely petrified me. What i saw was an entire platoon of the slender creatures slowly walking to a canyon between two mountains in the far distance.

Third annual noon, day 30
I have decided. I will follow the slendermen, as i decided to call them, while keeping myself hidden from their sight, as that might startle them, with all consequences included. over the last days i've been preparing for going out. i couldn't do anything on the twenty-sixth and seventh day, as there was a thunderstorm raging outside. Furthermore, i've been gathering iron to forge plating to protect me and a sword for if i get into trouble.

[more days on the way]

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11/08/2011 7:45 am
Level 45 : Master Crafter
Nice job on the picture :)
11/08/2011 10:19 am
Level 31 : Artisan Taco
i drew it myself, getting the eyes was really a pain in the arse, glad you like it ;)

P.S im updating the story right now.
