Minecraft Blogs / Article

Toggled Creative Fly Speed

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Level 21 : Expert Taco
Hey everyone i was wondering what you thought about an idea i had today that would be great if it was added to Minecraft.
Have you all ever been exploring a world in creative and just thought to yourself 'I Wish I Could Fly Faster' or even when you are working on an awesome build and want to get to the other end of it in seconds?
Well with a toggled creative fly speed that could be changed in the controls settings this would be very possible. Mods like Zombe fly mod have this feature and its alright for people who like to mod but for all those out there who choose not to (or find it to hard) are left with a pretty slow fly speed in creative when modders are just zooming around at high speeds.

So Let me know what you think about the idea and if you have any other ideas about it comment below :)

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12/28/2011 5:45 am
Level 21 : Expert Taco
Exactly For Huge Projects Like That It Would Be So Useful.
12/28/2011 5:39 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Architect
There HAS to be added creative fly speed cuz i am Gonna work On an iPhone with lenght around 500 block it Will take Some time to get to THE other end XD
