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Too many skins!

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Level 18 : Journeyman Blacksmith
there are so many great minecraft skins out there which one am i to choose? I have so many skins that I have favorited and downloaded I don't know what to do with them all. Every day millions of new skins are made and downloaded each unique in its own way. How is one lonely player supposed to decide which skin represents him as an individual. We all have the awkward moment when we run into someone with the same skin, or worse the same skin but their skin is HD. You immediately want to change your skin in shame. We live in world where it seems hopeless to try and find that perfect skin for you, but I have faith. some how some way each of us will settle into a skin that matches us, defines us, one that makes us unique. So go out there and find your skin! Make your own, search for your favorite hero, or just stick with good old reliable Steve just remember there is a skin for you.

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