Minecraft Blogs / Other

Ugg the glitches/bugs of 1.8 and 1.8.1

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Level 36 : Artisan Ranger
Really some of these glitches/bugs just get on my nerves. Idk if this ones a normal bug that happens, but this one is probably the most annoying for me. The freezes of minecraft" It seams to me that this is a regular thing. The game just freezes. I cant exit and my mouse is stuck. I usually just have to log off so the computer force closes everything. And this never happened in the before updates. Just 1.8 and 1.8.1! Its an especially annoying bug too. Another one that Im gonna talk about is the door glitch. It seems to me I just cant enter a door anymore -_-. Most of the time I have to break it and replace it or dig around the door. Ugg there so annoying. Do you guys have these same glitches/bugs or is it just me? Is there any way to fix them you know of? Also what other glitches bother you in the new updates. Man I sure hope all of these are fixed in the updates to come...

My last blog post was another glitch where it rains in caves. Another tremendously annoying one.

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10/07/2011 9:42 pm
Level 20 : Expert Architect
None for me. ;P
10/07/2011 9:44 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Ranger
I havent really had any problems for a while, except for those horrible freezes. I absolutely hate how it puases like that.
10/07/2011 9:46 pm
Level 20 : Expert Architect
You a guy? :P

I'm a guy!
10/07/2011 9:49 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Ranger
Im a guy...
10/07/2011 10:04 pm
Level 20 : Expert Architect

09/17/2011 10:38 pm
Level 47 : Master Architect
Seems it all with you, unless the cave rains, witch I have also read about.

Maybe you have a slow pc and it's causing all off that.
09/17/2011 10:43 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Ranger
Idk one of my friends on a server I go to had the same door glitch. The freeze though prob just me like you said...
09/17/2011 11:02 pm
Level 47 : Master Architect
If I'm not wrong, 1.8 is bringing different bugs for different ppl, the only one I'm having at the moment are terrain invisible chunks when I walk or fly too fast or when in boat or swimming.

So more ppl might have your problem too.

Also, I think this one is for everybody, all chests are not showing the break sequence.
09/17/2011 11:26 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Ranger
Ya, ive had the invisible chunck glitch alot. Also the chest one has happened a couple times, but those arent really that annoying to me. Sinse the blocks just show themselves when you get close.
