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Wall-Hack Texture Packs. Good or Bad? [MC-R182]

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Level 34 : Artisan Grump
Wall-Hack Texture Packs


Are these good or bad?

Are you a supporter?

by pxzl


I recently joined a "survival server". It seemed perfect, almost too good to be true. (Which it was. ) Paradox_PX [My cousin] and I have a mine, filled with tons and tons of iron, gold, diamond, you name it. We found a place far from spawn built a house and hid the chests deep - underground almost impossible to find. When I joined the server, all ( 7 ) chests were completely cleared. I didn't know where or who to go to, and there is and was only one solution that popped in my head - Wall-Hack Texture Packs.

Now I am sure that many of you have their own stories, whether good or bad, on similar situations. [Please tell in your posts your stories] However, should MC-R182 be allowed? Some people believe that these so called "texture packs" go under the same category as griefers [MC-SR8]. I do not believe in these texture packs, show your support in your posts below! (Do you agree or disagree with these TP?)


This can be similar to the skins fiasco. Before, Notch resolved "invisible" skins by filling in the "invisible" with black! If he can do the same with these TP, it will solve ALL problems! Please tell Notch about this if you firmly disagree with these excuse for TP's! (Tweet him! :D)

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02/23/2012 10:43 am
Level 41 : Master Herobrine
02/24/2012 12:59 am
Level 34 : Artisan Grump
Nice. I have my own personal troll. Hey can you troll (comment) on some my other things so I can get more XP? Thanks!
10/19/2011 11:57 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Pirate
ive used them a couple of times lol
10/11/2011 7:45 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Toast
But if you fill in the "invisible" with black, suddenly windows, iron bars, reeds, and doors in the default pack suddenly lose purpose! Also, how do you know your cousin didn't take the chest contents? Also, there are X-Ray hacks that could have been used in the heist, too.
10/11/2011 11:01 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Grump
I totally agree with you on your first statement. However, my cousin would never be able to carry so much iron, gold, coal, daimond, etc. (We had many chests with contents, plus we chat on Skype.)
