Minecraft Blogs / Other

What does this mean, lol

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Level 48 : Master Modder
this was on my MCMYADMIN when I changed my groups. I don't understand, can some one please tell me what this is... I have bukkit for 1.8.1 and everything works well... I don't get it :/

PLEASE RESPOND.........................................................................................................................................................................

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10/14/2011 7:42 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Miner
It means that like your a admin but you a op you get deop but your still admin bukkit says ops better so admins not allowed kinda
10/27/2011 3:45 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Pixel Puncher
I had some issues like that on my server. Just op yourself, it works everytime.
11/01/2011 2:20 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Miner
And ops have compleat power to the console but admins have alot powers but that will happen
09/23/2011 10:58 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Hero
I thought it was a minecraft crash before reading :3

But sorry I dont know much about servers.*Well...about how to make them or admin lists.*

But theres something in that window that says something about bukkit having tears :P

But heres what I would say if it was a real minecraft crash.

"Your minecraft has crashed.Close it,play it again,then if it crashes again...SMASH THE COMPUTER!!!!!" :P
