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What I want in 1.7

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Level 19 : Journeyman Cake
1.7! It's nearly here,with all these new stuff being added to the game, but here is some things that I am wanting to see in the game:
Underwater Caves - not the ones that you see now, I would like to see underwater caves filled with water and little air pockets for you to breath in.
Different Caves - I would love to see caves that are generated to go horizontal at the start, I don't like their being massive holes in the ground. That spawn in hills, and caves that mainly hold one type of ore.
Biome selector - I would like to be able to choose what biomes I want when they are generated, this could be useful for map making and just plain survival.
New tools and ores - I would like to see a variety in ores, I am really keen to find new ores I have never seen before.
Jewelry - This would be a great way to see how wealthy a person is.
Better Generation - I don't like the way the world generates today, I wish it would be more 'realistic'
Farming XP - I would love to be a farmer in minecraft, this is the only thing that you don't get XP for, You get it for mining, breeding, smelting but why not farming?
Crafting book - for everything you craft, I wish it would save it in a book.
More stuff to put inside houses - Houses are very bland when their is only a few things to put in them.
Improved NPCs - Imagine NPCs having leveling stages, instead of the same old village again after again, a whole castle as a village, these would sell more upgraded stuff, like iron or diamond swords.
Better Compass - The compass is useless, I don't think it helps me at all. I don't want to know where spawn is, I want to know where North is.
Building Blocks - I think it would be amazing to to dye bricks whilst it is being smelted, let's be honest, the bricks now are pretty dull.
More Options of Play style - This one is very difficult to define, sometimes, I don't want to be a miner, or farm, or kill mobs, I wish their was additional playing styles; maybe something like a Welder!
Welding - From my last point, welding would be beautiful, It would take time to craft swords, you would have to heat up the iron to then start welding, it would take time, and the more time you spent on it, the more greater the swords outcome.
Pre-wrote books - These books would tell you all about what you did in that certain day, so that you wouldn't have to write a book each day.
Less magic, More Survival - I feel the game has become more on the Dragons and potions side than really survival like it use to be. I don't have that feeling that I am surviving in this harsh world more like building the house of my dreams.
Body detection-I really would like to have a inbuilt skeleton to players and mobs, so I could shoot a creeper in the head so I would love that!

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by MsiBeni 10/03/2013 5:26:29 pmOct 3rd, 2013

I added a bunch of stuff :3
Hope you like it.

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10/09/2013 4:11 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Artist
I want the generation LESS realistic like pre 1.8 that was when worlds werent predictable and it was unique now they just feel the same
10/09/2013 4:24 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Cake
Exactly! <3
10/03/2013 8:36 am
Level 34 : Artisan Creeper
Underwater caves, yeah. That would be cool.

Different caves, not sure what you mean by 'horizontal throughout', caves are all horizontal anyways. I don't like the idea of caves with only one ore in it though.

Biome selector, that would be nice, but you could always just search for a seed with your chosen biome and use that.

New tools and ores, no. Just no. There are enough tools in the game as there is, and new ores would only appear on newly generated chunks.

Jewlery, do you really think anybody would waste diamonds and stuff on jewelry that doesn't do anything?

Farming XP, Good concept, but easily abused. You could make huge fields just for the XP, and you could get to level 30 whenever you want, basically. Maybe just a very small amount of XP per plant harvested.

Crafting book, is that reallynecessary? Once you have been playing for any length of time you will remember all the important crafting recipes, and it isn't that hard to tab out to look for a recipe.

More stuff to put in houses, there actually is a good bit of stuff to put in. Pots, item frames, pictures, and furniture made out of stairs and stuff. Not that it wouldn't be cool to have a few more things.
10/03/2013 9:43 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Cake
Yeah. You also have a point their. Just remember that this is my opinion though ;3
And I would spend it on jewelry, I don't know why, but their is only so much you can use with your ores.
You can abuse any type of xp farming. Mob spawners, you can just harvest, but because of the new update, it takes time for the wheat to grow.
I have played minecraft since infdev, and yet I don't know half the crafting recipes, pumpkin pie, beacon blocks, all the types of sandstone except the basic one, I don't even know how to make any of that redstone stuff. I understand your put but yet I have no clue on half the recipes XD
I do know their is quite the amount of stuff to put inside your house, but I don't like that every new room is just a seating area. That doesn't appeal to me.
The caves you were talking about, I wouldn't like that their was just be one ore, but their is that ore more frequent though.
The biome selector I was taking about, say you only wanted a forest, as far as the world would generate. That was what I meant.

I don't know about you, but if you have played minecraft for along time, it's same old same old. I don't know if that makes sense, but minecraft doesn't have that good feel to it.

Thanks for commenting <3
10/03/2013 12:00 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Creeper
Maybe if jewelry was enchantable and added attributes to you while it was equipped, and could be equipped while you have armor equipped, then it would be really cool. Maybe you would use a diamond block plus three string to make a diamond neckace, then could enchantment and get a permanent effect. Not an effect you would get from enchanting the armor though, something you would get from the pyramids, like Speed 1 for as long as you have the necklace equipped. That would make it really awesome, actually.

With XP for farming, it would be the easiest to abuse it via large farms. One could easily make a huge wheat farm and just run though harvesting and replanting for XP. The other ways of XP farming I don't consider abusing it, as it take much more effort and time.Dark room spawningdrop towerXP farms require large amounts of blocks, and for you to be at the bottom to finish off the mobs for them to drop the XP. Ones using mob spawners and drop towers require you to be near them, but not too close. Ones just using a mob spawner require a sword, and can only hold so many mobs at a time, as mob spawners won't spawn any mobs if they have I think around 6 of it's mob around it.

Yes, more stuff to make houses actually look like houses would be cool. It would only be aesthetic, but that's what Minecraft is about mostly, isn't it?

You can still come pretty close to that using the 'large biomes' world generation type.

I have not played Minecraft for as long as you, since you have played since infdev, but I've been around over 2 years since Beta 1.8. I remember nearly all the crafting ingredients except some of the ones I never use, (redstone, dyes, and stuff like that).
10/03/2013 5:27 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Cake
I agree with you much, just not exactly XD
I have updated it now, with many ideas. Hope you enjoy :3
