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Why people need to get over hate.

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Dguy's Avatar Dguy
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Senpai
   This website is made for people to connec with otherst and submit things for the Minecraft community right? Well, if you want to help the community, you need to learn 3 things:

1-What you submit can be seen by everyone and anyone.
2-What people think of another's submission is their own opinion.
3-It's your responsibility to grow up and deal with it.

Too many times do I see people saying, "Don't hate." and,"Screw the haters." What does that mean exactly? Apperently, it translates into them saying,"Don't put up any negative or objective opinions on my content! Saying that though, just explains how weak you are as an artist. If you are to submit a peice of work, you should be fully aware of the inevitable nagative remarks, or else you will never grow and never see how to improve. Here is a fictional example:

A student writes a very important report for his/her class, and spends time and effort on it, even though it's a new subject to them. There are two outcomes: 1- The teacher says only good things about the paper, making the student feel happy and successful. Thinking that they know exactly what to do next time, the student doesn't change without any knowledge of how good the paper actually was. 2- The teacher grades the paper as it is in order to explain how bad the student is, whether they are honest or not, the student feels inadequate OR shrugs off the comments in order to improve next time.

See now, the last outcome shows what really should happen to any and all artists. They need to get past critiscism and hate in order to actually improve and grow as an artist. It also allows the artist to seem and feel more proffesional and mature, for if you can get past hate and complete ignore it, you have transcended the boundries of popularity. Presidents, celebrities, film makers, politicians, and artists either ignore hate and continue their work or drown in it. Here is a real-life example at how incompetent an artist can be when it comes to ignoring hate: 

Philippe Poisson (AKA Phil Fish) was an indie game developer who made the well known game Fez. The game earned both praise and hate, but one day Phil had gotten into an arguement with a video game journalist. The arguement and the conspiracy around it produced a lot of hate, and Phil lacked the conviction of dealing with it:

"Fez 2 is cancelled. I am done. I take the money and I run. This is as much as I can stomach. This isn't the result of any one thing, but the end of a long, bloody campaign. You win."

Fez 2 cancellation post on Polytron's website[35]

Phil is one of the many who can't deal with the inevitable critiscism, which lead to his downfall as an inspiring artist. Yet, other artists and leaders deal with tons of hate, but still manage to do their jobs: President Obama, EA, even Pewdiepie deal with so much hate, but still manage to pull through it, because they are mature enough to deal with opinions. And so should you.

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07/07/2015 12:37 am
Level 40 : Master Imposter
the gambler
the gambler's Avatar
07/15/2014 5:11 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Artist
KDNX's Avatar
Well PewDiePie needs the hate, he's so full of himself.
07/11/2014 2:02 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Network
Knarfer's Avatar
if lord gaben says to deal with it then we are left with no choice

we must learn to deal with it.

praise graben.
07/11/2014 12:18 am
Level 36 : Artisan Dragonborn
CheatSource's Avatar
As much as I like PewDiePie's videos, he's not really mature. :P Jokes aside, EA isn't really an example of mature. They thought the new Simcity would be pirated, so they made it an online game. The servers are usually full, and some people get poor connections.

Yahtzee: EA assumed that we're all dicks who steal games, so they had to dick us first preemptively.
The quote command isn't working.
07/11/2014 12:21 am
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Senpai
Dguy's Avatar
Well, they do suffer a lot of hate, but they don't collapse from it all.
07/11/2014 12:25 am
Level 36 : Artisan Dragonborn
CheatSource's Avatar
If only they did...
07/11/2014 12:29 am
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Senpai
Dguy's Avatar
Hey, they help support awesome devs like Bioware, Visceral, and DICE. What if those were bought buy Microsoft and end up like Rare?
07/11/2014 12:37 am
Level 36 : Artisan Dragonborn
CheatSource's Avatar
The only thing I've played by them was Spore and Snapcity. I liked Spore, but Snapcity was complete sh*t. Spore is my number one game. It came with a free Simcity (6 I think) disk and I threw it away. It kind gives me conflicted feelings about them.
07/11/2014 12:38 am
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Senpai
Dguy's Avatar
Dude get your hands on Mass Effect and Dead Space, their 2 best franchises.
07/10/2014 7:57 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Blob
falkok15's Avatar
EA is a grand example of what not to do as a company. They do not please the masses.
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