Minecraft Data Packs / Quality of Life

[Updated by Daitallica] (1.14-1.15) Rotten Flesh To Leather In Vanilla Minecraft!

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Blue Sheepify
Level 51 : Grandmaster Pokémon
The data pack has finally been updated to support 1.14.3 and 1.15, thanks to PMC user Daitallica!

Are you waiting for the Rotten Flesh To Leather Mod to update to 1.14* Are you tired of waiting for Forge/Optifine to update so you can play with mods? Well, wait no more! With this 1.14 datapack, you can now smelt rotten flesh to leather in vanilla Minecraft! Plus, you can smelt rotten flesh to leather slightly faster than normal. If you discover any problems, tell me in the comments below and I will fix them!

Instructions to install the datapack are included in the file.

Also try my datapack Simple Minecraft Changes!

Don't forget to leave a diamond, favorite the post, and comment!
                                            -Yours Truly, Blue Sheepify

*I am not affiliated with the creator of the Rotten Flesh To Leather Mod creator in any way. I did not copy any code at all; I was only inspired by the creator's mod.
CreditMade with www.crafting.thedestruc7i0n.ca. I didn't know how to make furnace recipes until now;)
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.14
toMinecraft 1.15

1 Update Logs

Works with 1.14 and 1.15 : by Blue Sheepify 02/19/2020 9:29:26 pmFeb 19th, 2020

After a long time, the original Rotten Flesh To Leather Data Pack has finally been updated to be compatible with 1.14 and 1.15, thanks to Daitallica! Yay!

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Blue Sheepify
02/19/2020 9:41 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Pokémon
Hey guys,

This new update may not be compatible with 1.13 anymore due to technical issues. If you guys do want the old version, please let me know.

~ Blue Sheepify
11/08/2019 12:27 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
does not work for 1.14.4
09/22/2019 2:12 am
Level 1 : New Miner
It didn't work for me on 1.14.3
08/28/2019 7:18 am
Level 1 : New Miner
First time downloading data packs, should i 'mirror download' or 'Download'

Im sure they both work, I'm just wondering which one is safest.

Blue Sheepify
09/08/2019 7:51 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Pokémon
I am really, really sorry for the late reply. I can't generally write right away.

The 'Download" button makes you download directly from the Planet Minecraft site, while the 'Mirror Download' button makes you download from Mediafire, which is a popular file sharing site, in case you didn't know. Both download links are safe, but if you want to be really sure, press the 'Download' button.

Thank you, Fuznuajet, for asking this question, and for choosing to download my data pack.

P.S. Thanks to you guys, I have gotten to level 40. I would have never have believed that I would have gotten this far in PMC if I saw this one year ago, when I started creating projects. You guys are the best!

~ Blue Sheepify
06/30/2019 9:46 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Hey! It doesn't work in 1.14.3.Can you fix please we really need some leather
Blue Sheepify
09/08/2019 7:53 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Pokémon
I believe the data pack works for me in 1.14.3, but I will check it out.
05/18/2019 2:07 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Buenas, llevo rato tratando de hacer andar el mod xD. Hago lo que dice Katgut y no me lo agarra el mod.
Pongo el archivo .zip en la carpeta datapacks, extraigo los archivos y me sale la carpeta del mod "Rotten Flesh To Leather", paso esos archivos de esa carpeta a la carpeta datapacks luego borrando esa carpeta que queda vacia y aun asi no me lo toma :(
05/08/2019 8:24 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
(Windows 10. Minecraft 1.14)
Il fonctionne bien en dézippant le fichier.zip.
It works nice but unzip file before use it.

File I used : rotten-flesh-to-leather-1533859814.zip

1 - Décompresser (unzip) rotten-flesh-to-leather-1533859814.zip

=> Répertoires après décompression ( folders after unzip) :

rotten-flesh-to-leather-1533859814\ Rotten Flesh To Leather\

2 - Conserver le répertoire (keep this folder) : Rotten Flesh To Leather\
A placer dans le répertoire Datapacks (put this folder in the datapacks folder)

3 - Supprimer le répertoire vide (delete empty folder) :

Thanks for this datapack.
Blue Sheepify
05/09/2019 2:21 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Pokémon
You're welcome and thanks for pointing that out.
