Minecraft Data Packs / Game Mechanic

Acacia Gum (slime from stripping acacias)

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Required Resource Pack
Level 59 : Grandmaster Creeper Hugger


This datapack adds the item "Acacia Gumball" (a retextured Slimeball), which is obtained by stripping acacia logs.

Example of stripping an acacia tree and how the gumballs drop from it

The Vegancraft Resourcepack (download above) is required to see this texture in-game.


  • When stripping an acacia log (or wood), there is a 1/4 chance that an "acacia gumball" drops from it.
  • Your axe's Fortune enchantment level gives you an extra chance of obtaining a second gumball drop, topping at a total average of 1 gumball per log with Fortune III.
  • Acacia gumball behaves just as a regular slimeball but has a different texture and name. Use it to craft slime blocks, sticky pistons, etc. without the need of finding and killing slimes.

Other info:

On the search of a plant-based alternative for slime, I thought gum was the most similar thing in real life. Both the texture and way of obtaining "Acacia Gumball" are based on real-life acacia gum (also known as gum arabica), which is obtained from the bark of acacias.

I decided to restrict this to only acacia (despite other real-life trees producing gum as well) in order to not make the mechanic too easy and exploitable. Acacia has the advantage of being available only on savannas (encouraging players to explore, just as they need to explore to find slimes), and having small trunks, which means that it isn't as easily farmed as, for example, spruce or jungle trees.

Legal terms
You are allowed to:

- Download, use, and edit this datapack* for personal use.
- Use this datapack or variations of it in a Minecraft server.
- Publish audiovisual content that uses this datapack or variations of it (e.g. gameplay videos on online platforms), as long as you acknowledge me (Daenvil) as the author of this datapack and provide a link to this datapack's webpage or this datapack's page on PlanetMinecraft.
- Share this datapack or variations of it privately (e.g. transferring the files to friends), as long as there is no financial profit involved, the files are not publicly available, and these terms are included with the files you share in text format (these terms are already included in all my datapacks, just don’t remove them).

You are not allowed to:

- Publish this datapack or variations of it without explicit permission from me.

*For all legal purposes, "this datapack" refers to all the files (source code, images, and any other) downloadable from this page's Download button.

Older versions

Supported Minecraft versions
Tested in
Download Link
Use the Download button on this page
1.20, 1.20.4
1.17.1, 1.18.2, 1.19.2

You can find more info on my website. Check out also my ​Ethical Textiles datapack, which will allow you to use this acacia gum to craft plant-based leather.
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.17
toMinecraft 1.21

5 Update Logs

v1.3 - for Minecraft 1.21.4+ : by daenvil 01/03/2025 12:07:20 pmJan 3rd

Adapted to new resourcepack features

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06/19/2024 5:25 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Explorer
amazing pack! i always have trouble finding slime balls hehe
05/24/2024 10:26 pm
Level 29 : Expert Llama Hunter
adding separate blocks as slime blocks and maybe a different looking sticky piston would be cool. just don't make it look too much like honey.
08/25/2022 5:31 pm
Level 68 : High Grandmaster Lumberjack
how about spruce sap
Rajono Svogeris
08/25/2022 11:48 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
can i upload into my server that my server players can paly this datapack
and post it on my discord server
08/25/2022 12:32 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Creeper Hugger
Yes, no problem
